Question: JCHelpCallBack

I would like to investigate the JCHelpCallBack example using OpenMaple. The sample can be found under the directory,


I've set LD_LIBRARY_PATH. And I can compile and run the sample. That starts up what appears to be a commandline Maple session. And within that session I can issue the help query ?int OK. I can also issue INTERFACE_HELP(display,topic=int) and that too works, although it dispays as double-lined.

Ideally, I'm trying to figure out whether I can open a .mw help-page from the Standard GUI, but as a stand-alone window with the rest of the GUI absent. Maybe the prefix "JC" and names "jcmaple" are a hint that it is not possible, because they emulate cmaple the commandline Maple interface. But I'd like to confirm it. It appears that these help topics below all refer to purely serial interface functionality,


When running the jcmaple sample, it crashes if I try to run Maplets, which would normally invoke the java runtime from within the usual cmaple interface. Eg, issuing Optimization:-Interactive() or setting plotsetup(maplet) and then issuing a plot() call wil both make jcmaple abort (SIGSEGV).

Similarly I might expect that the MapleHelp function, as illustrated in the samples/OpenMaple/cmaple/omexample.c source file, would also produce only the serial commandline help page output. I figured that the best bet to get what I was after, if even possible, would lie with Java since the Standard GUI is itself a Java application. The crashes when trying to open Maplets from OpenMaple's jcmaple lead me to doubt whether my goal is possible.

Does anyone have any other thoughts on this, the idea of being able to open the help portion (only) of the Standard GUI?


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