Question: Stop Maple from trying to display a list of hundreds of thousands of elements

Sometimes I do stupid things like: a := Generate(set(integer(range=1..999999999999), 1000000))); Because of the ";" the result is that Maple quickly generates the set but then locks up and spends about 10 minutes trying to display the contents. Clicking the "abort computation" button doesn't help after the result has been calculated. Is there any other way to get maple to abort in such a case? If not is there a way to stop it from displaying lists of more than say 10000 elements? PS. Has anyone else noticed that Generate(set(integer(range=1.. 1000), 500))) doesn't actually generate a set of size 1000000 but instead first seems to generate a list of size 1000000 which it then converts into a set. However any duplicates in the list are removed so the set will sometimes be smaller than 500! Quite annoying. DS.
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