Question: Fit Curve with Error Calc

Hi there :) I often need to plot datapoints, and then fit a curve in then. So far i did this with the [i]ScatterPlot[/i] command, and moddeled the function to the data with the Fit or Nonlinearfit command. In most cases this worked really great, but i would need some extras: ;) As far as i have noticed the Fit is only based on the datappoints. The Fitfunction doesn't seem to take care of x- or y-errors, drawed in with the data. So: Is there a way to take care of the x- and y-errors in the Fitting process? If yes, how? And: Can i then also create a Fitting Curve, that has error as well, and meaybe draw that error in a plot as well? For example like this here: I am sure it is all possible with Maple. Just didn't find out how yet :) Ah, right.. Should it be possible to use any expression as a model function? I am asking, because I once tried to fit cosh & sinh - functions with some parameters to a ScatterPlot, and did get an error message I can't remember right now. greets, Gernot
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