Question: problem with y-axis labels in logplot

Hello, I ran into some problems with the y-axis labeling and tickmarks, and would appreciate any help you could offer. Thanks! The y-axis plotted below has two 10^(-6) labels, and the tickmarks on the y-axis do not look correct either (more than 10 subtickmarks per order of magnitude!). -Dan > restart; >with(plots); > dBv[1] := 37.43; dBv[2] := 31.29; dBv[3] := 25.75; dBv[4] := 20.86; dBv[5] := 16.54; dBv[6] := 12.58; dBv[7] := 9.28; dBv[8] := 6.02; dBv[9] := 3.32; dBv[10] := 1.25; dBv[11] := -1.54; dBv[12] := -3.38; dBv[13] := -5.45; dBv[14] := -7.2; dBv[15] := -8.04; dBv[16] := -8.29; dBv[17] := -10.06; dBv[18] := -9.32; dBv[19] := -10.53; dBv[20] := -9.71; >dr := (1/50)*(0.1e-1-0.3e-3); >for j to 20 do r[j] := 0.3e-3+(j-1)*dr; v[j] := 0.10e-5*10^(dBv[j]/(20.0)) end do; > lambda := .15; > points := [`$`([r[n]/lambda, v[n]], n = 1 .. 20)]; > pdata := logplot(points, style = point, symbol = circle, thickness = 2, color = red, axis[2] = [tickmarks = [3, subticks = 10]]); > display(pdata);
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