Question: how to find why maple doesn't comlpete the command??

We have a maple 10 site license and I recently started to use maple for some challenging symbolic manipulation. Specifically I wanted to find the 3-dimensional eigenvectors A(u,w) and eigenvalues \lambda for a system of 8 partial differential equations. I was disappointed when maple completed most of the problem finding all 8 eigenvalues but only 6 of the 8 eigenvectors. In fact explicitly issuing Eigenvectors(A) command didn't seem to work as it ran for a long time with out returning so I ended up just issuing a series of LinearSolve(A-\lambda I|0) commands. This worked for the first 6 eigenvalues but for the last pair of eigenvalues maple just didn't do anything simply printing the command I issued. Maple didn't print any diagnostic information to let me know what went wrong. My question is when Maple doesn't evaluate a command how does one obtain information about what went wrong?
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