Question: Formatting and printing in M11 passing from classical to standard interface

Usually I work with classical interface, but the java interface has some nice features which I want to use for printing. Thus I open my *.mws worksheet as a *.mw and want to do just that. However I have some problems, may be I am just too awkward here: 1. My mws output is 2 D and always non-italic, however in mw it tasteless shows up as italic. I tried to change that, but there exists no way just to say it to the character (one only can activate a check box to *make* it italic, not conversely). The only way was to select all the sheet and then de-activate italic through the menu bar. 2. Labeling numbers ... fine - but want them to appear not in bold letters. 3. Inert forms (like Int) appear different - how to change color (I do not like that light-grey). 4. The major thing is printing, which I do into a postscript file (choosing an appropriate printer driver [some cut off headers and footers of pages, which did not happen for the mws sheet], HP C LaserJet 4500-PS seems to work reasonable). However that ignores the zoom factor and prints for zoom = 100%. Any help for that?
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