Question: Maple11 in Microsoft Virtual PC 2007

Has anyone tried installing Maple within WinXP installed as on OS in Microsoft's Virtual PC 2007 running in Vista? It seems like it should run just the same as it would in normal WinXP. I've run Win98 in the Virtual PC 2005 running on WinXP Professional with no problems. This would allow Maple to run on the same system as Vista, even though it wouldn't make use of anything relating to additional RAM, additional CPU's, or whatever. Flipping between the two is very easy and it's even possible to share files between the native OS and virtual - at least with Virtual PC 2005 in case one wanted to do something with Maple output files within a program running on Vista. There's also a version of a virtual PC that runs in Linux that allows installing WinXP and even Vista which allows more low-level support but I haven't tried it.
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