Question: Error in quaternion package

Hi, I've been experimenting with the quaternionspackage. (The free download, not the commercial package). There seems to be an error in the calculation of the inverse: with (Quaternions); [*, +, -, Qabs, Qadd, Qamplitude, Qangle, Qarccos, Qarccosh, Qarccot, Qarccoth, Qarccsc, Qarccsch, Qarcsec, Qarcsech, Qarcsin, Qarcsinh, Qarctan, Qarctanh, Qargument, Qaxial, Qceil, Qcolatitude, Qconjugate, QconvertToFrac, Qcos, Qcosh, Qcot, Qcoth, Qcsc, Qcsch, Qdefine, QdivLeft, QdivRight, Qdot, Qeval, Qexp, Qfloor, Qfrac, Qicoeff, Qinverse, QisCommutable, QisEqual, QisPure, QisScalar, Qjcoeff, Qkcoeff, Qlength, Qln, Qlongitude, Qmagnitude, Qmodulus, QmuPart, Qmult, Qnorm, Qnormalize, QphiPart, QpolarPart, QpolarToRect, Qpower, QpsiPart, Qrand, QrectToPolar, Qround, Qscalar, Qsec, Qsech, Qsignum, Qsin, Qsinh, Qsqrt, Qsubtract, Qtan, Qtanh, QthetaPart, QtoMatrices, QtoMatrix, Qtrunc, Qunit, QunitVector, Qvector, ^, eval, init, print] q1:=Qdefine(1,2,2,4); # OK 1 + 2 i + 2 j + 4 k Qnorm(q1); # The norm is correct 5 Qconjugate(q1); # The conjugate is correct 1 - 2 i - 2 j - 4 k #The package calculates a wrong inverse; quatInverse := Qinverse(q1); # The denominator should be the square of the norm, not the norm; 1 2 2 4 - - - i - - j - - k 5 5 5 5 q1 * quatInverse; # Wrong, answer should be 1 5 Does any other user have the same problem? Is it possible to work on a user package and make corrections? Thanks in advance for help/suggestions. Ray
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