Question: how to print a matrix

I would like to know how to print a matrix using the TextBox command from Maplets, because always print a message "Matrix(3, 3, [ [ 1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1 ] ], datatype = anything, storage = rectangular, order = Fortran_order, shape = [])", for example. Another doubt is if it's possible to print text and equations using the MAthMLViewer without erasing the previous print in the Maplets (to each program output a line is added in the MathViewer). I would be grateful for any hint. Adriene Pfeifer restart:with(LinearAlgebra):with( Maplets[Elements] ): test:=proc() local M; M:=Matrix(3,3,1); Maplets:-Tools:-Set('e' ('appendline')="Matrix"); Maplets:-Tools:-Set('e'('appendline')=M); end proc: maplet := Maplet(["Matrix",[TextBox['e'](10..30)], Button( "OK", Action(Evaluate('function'="test()")))]): Maplets[Display](maplet):
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