Question: Generating unevaluated MathML

I want to generate MathML code. I'm using Maple 9.5. However I want the generated code not to evaluate the expression. For example:

> codegen[MathML](5^4);
<math xmlns=''>
<mn xref='id1'>625</mn>
<annotation-xml encoding='MathML-Content'>
<cn id='id1' type='integer'>625</cn>
<annotation encoding='Maple'>625</annotation>

while what I want is:

<math xmlns=''>
<mrow xref='id3'>
<mi xref='id1'>5</mi>
<mi xref='id2'>4</mi>
<annotation-xml encoding='MathML-Content'>
<apply id='id3'>
<ci id='id1' type='integer'>5</ci>
<ci id='id2' type='integer'>4</ci>
<annotation encoding='Maple'>a^b</annotation>

Is that possible? I tried the uneval type without success.

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