Question: General Volume and Surface Integrals

I've been trying figure out how to code up arbitrary volume and surface integrals in Maple. I know that Maple has the VectorCalculus package but there doesn't appear to be a way to specify a volume integral (where the infinitesimal is dV). Also, there doesn't seem to be a way to specify a surface integral without defining the surface in advance (i.e., integrate over S with an infinitesimal of dS). In both cases, I'd like to have general integrals where I can specify the bounds at a later time (e.g., inert integrals). I know that there is the triple integrals in the student package but they aren't the same as a volume integral. I ask this because I've been working on code to derive variational equations and I'd like to specify and manipulate the integrals in as general of a form as possible, especially now that I've figured out the necessary generalisation of the Green's theorem to the volume integrals I have. Ideas?
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