Question: shooting down Maple through long expressions?

That kills my Maple ( M10.02 on WinME)

restart; _EnvExplicit:= true;
Eq:=0 = 'mu + delta*sqrt(alpha^2-Theta^2) - sqrt(alpha^2-(Theta+1)^2) ';
[solve(Eq, Theta)]:

giving the system message:

CWMAPLE verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite
in Modul CWMAPLE.EXE bei 017f:00459d0b.
Register: blablabla

If I prevent output by "sols:=%:" (using a double point) it is ok and one
sees that it would produce ~ 5000 pages ( = length(sols)/80/60 ).

Could be that one reason?
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