Question: How do I enter variable data into a Maplet Table

I want the data returned from a Maplet Evaluate to appear in a Table. I have listed below an example Maplet: with(Maplets[Elements]): > setdata:=proc() > Maplets[Tools][Set]('expdata'= [[5,42.6],[10., 31.5], [15,28.8],[20., 22.3], [30., 18.7], [45., 14.1], [60., 11.1], [90., 7.7], [120.,4.9], [180., 2.5], [240., 1.3], [300., .7]]); > end proc: > maplet := Maplet([ > # [BoxCell(Table([A, B], 'expdata'), 'as_needed')], > [BoxCell(TextBox['expdata'](3..30))], > [Button("OK", Evaluate(function='setdata()'))] > ]): > Maplets[Display](maplet); The Commented out "Table" line fails and the "TextBox" works OK. Is there a way to have this data appear in Table form?
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