Question: How to create this list?

Hi dear members of this Forum,

I want to generate a list which depend on "n";
for n=2 I would like to generate the following list

>[[p1>q1, p2>q2],
>[p1>q1, p2<q2],
>[p1<q1, p2>q2],
>[p1<q1, p2<q2]]

for n = 3 I would like to generate the list:

>[ [p1+p2>q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3<q3]]

for n=4

[ [p1+p2+p3>q1, p1+p2+p4>q2, p1+p3+p4>q3, p2+p3+p4>q4],..
and so on ]];

How to do that for any value of "n"?..Which commands or functions should I use?.

Thanks in advance,


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