Question: ODE with maplets problem

Hello I'm new here and I need some help from you guys


I try to create a simple maplets to find the solution for ODE problems (first order only) But I keep getting the error message that saying
"expecting an ODE or a set or list of ODE's. Received ___"


here's mine:

> restart;
> with(Maplets[Elements]);
> with(DEtools);
> Count := proc () if Maplets:-Tools:-Get('CB1') = true then dsolve({Maplets:-Tools:-Get('TF1'), Maplets:-Tools:-Get('TF3')}, y(x)) else dsolve(Maplets:-Tools:-Get('TF3')) end if end proc;
proc()  ...  end;
> maplet := Maplet(Window('title' = "First ODE", 'menubar' = 'MB1', [

["Equation", TextField['TF3'](25), Button("Clear", SetOption('TF3' = ""))],

["Initial Condition", TextField['TF1'](), Button("Clear", SetOption('TF1' = ""))],

["Use initial condition?", CheckBox['CB1']('value' = 'false')], TextBox['TB1']('editable' = 'false', 3 .. 40),

[Button("dsolve", Evaluate('TB1' = "Count")), Button("OK", Shutdown(['TF3', 'TB1']))]]),

MenuBar['MB1'](Menu("File", MenuItem("Close", Action(RunDialog('C1')))),

Menu("Help", MenuItem("What Is This?", Action(RunDialog('H1'))))),

ConfirmDialog['C1']('question', "Is it ok?", 'onapprove' = Shutdown('true'), 'ondecline' = Shutdown('false'), 'oncancel' = Shutdown("FAIL")),

MessageDialog['H1'](Found solution for ODE", 'type' = 'information'));

> Maplets[Display](maplet);


Do you guys see where's the problem here?

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