MaplePrimes Questions

Hello everybody,I am a newby and I need some help here quite desperately: We have a number, for example: 632096185 Is there a way in maple to make a list of numbers like that: [632,96,185] that is, cutting our number in the 3-digit numbers: 632,096,185 and putting them in a list? I want to have a list of integers and NOT strings.["632","096","185"] won't do (except if there is a way to turn strings into numbers like this "123"->123). Another question: I need to make a routine where the input is a list.Is there a way to make a procedure proc(L) where L is a list?! If not, any similar way?
Hello: I was wondering if someone can help me locate worksheets for Pre-Calculus (high school level)? I'm a new Maple user and still trying to figure out how to use the software. Also, my teacher gives us problems that are not in the book, which makes it really difficult. Thank you! Jessica
I want to use dsolve (Maple 10) to iteratively solve two systems of ODEs adjusting the boundary conditions until the solutions match at a fitting point. My problem is that the output of dsolve is a set of functions, and, each time dsolve is called, the solutions might not be reported in the same order as the last time dsolve was called. This makes it difficult to write a routine that compares the results of each iteration. I would appreciate any advice on how to extract the solutions from the dsolve output.
Sorry for the poorly formated post of the same name. I'm still trying to figure out how to cut and paste from Maple to this forum. Is it possible? Also the main question is: I have the results of a Fourier series and I wish to factor out a common coefficient: (4/Pi)*Sin(x)+4/Pi*sin(3*x)....+) Is there a command(s) to get the results: (4/Pi)*(sin(x) + sin(3*x).....+ ) Thank You Larry Ciak View 1600_11.2-6 Primes 1 on MapleNet or
How would I use Maple to find two prime numbers that, if multiplied, would generate a 400-digit number?
I know that the purpose of Maple is not to be a typesetting worksheet. But the improved typesetting abilities (Ver 10) are useful for making demonstration worksheet. Specifically, I would like to make a demonstration worksheet of a mark-recapture model I am currently working on. The main purpose is show how how the likelihood is built, step by step, following the paper's notation. As well as showing estimable parameters (including sparse data scenarios). Since my work is used by biologists rather than mathematicians, I feel it is a worth pursuit. The only problem is that I cannot dupicate notation such as:
I have still been using mostly release 8, but was wondering whether MAPLE 10 now can do things standard in MATLAB, JAVA: Is there a way in release 10 (maybe via maplets?) to use the mouse for extract the coordinates of a point from a maple-plot [[ e.g. want to use initialize a dsolve() by graphically selecting the initil data.]] going further, is there a way to "draw" a curve on a maple plot using the mouse -- and get the coordinates of points along the curve back into the worksheet )(e.g. as an array that can be further manipulated)?
Greetings, I have done some searching and have been unable to find out how to use complex numbers in polar form in Maple 10. Is this possible? If so, what about degrees versus radians and can both polar and rectangular representations be used in the same document/worksheet? Thanks, Ken
I am having problems with subs and collect. Unfortunately, I still haven't figered out how to make the input part of a MAPLE equation visible in the post. I still have the problem that it just appears as "MAPLE equation" so anyone who is kind enough to want to help me will have to look at my file Thank you View on MapleNet or Download
I would like to apply a relation such as f(x,a)*f(x,b) = (f(x,a)+f(x,b))/c (where x,a,b are any real number say) to simplify an expression such as f(y1,a1)*f(y2,a2)*a3*f(y1,a4)*f(y2,a5) to a3*( f(y1,a1)+f(y1,a4) )*( f(y2,a2)+f(y2,a5) )/c/c The only way I can see to do this is to struggle to get the function in the `right' order with no constants between them, and then do a substitution for every variable triple (y1,a1,a2) that occurs. There must be a better way. I've looked around the forums but I don't even know what to look for really so any suggestions of where to look would be great.
Hi - Is there a way to tell Maple to zero out terms in an expression that have a very small constant. For example I would like to round something like (1x + 2y - (1x10^-20)z) to (1x + 2y). Thanks. Bryan
Hereby I'm telling you I'm new in using Maple, so please don't laugh after reading my problem. I want to plot the function x=6. In my brain this is a vertical line, through the x-axis with x=6. After several attempts, the only thing I get is a horizontal line through y=6. Where did I go wrong? > x:=6; > plot(x);
May be a bit off that forum, but may be somebody has an answer or some reference: for the linear transforms w = 1 - z and w = 1/z there are exceptional cases given the formulae in Abramowitz & et al do involve infinite series in Psi (A&S 15.3.11 ff). A direct coding becomes slow and it is awesome to dig through Maple's code for that. Does there exist worth to look into it (please no pure source code like Macsyma or so ...) ?
initial conditions
using rkf45
for time, 0-30
solve for x(t),y(t)
then i plan to plot the two and find the intersection
but i'm having trouble getting through the rkf45 to get my x(t) and y(t)
Is it possible to have MapleNet generate pretty-printed math formulas as images, or does it require the user to have a browser that can render MathML?

For instance, in the integration.jsp demo I can use

<maple:statement type="text">doInt()</maple:statement>

to print out


But what if I wanted that pretty-printed, and I was on a browser that didn't support MathML. Is there any way I could do that?
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