Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer
Hello fellow digitheads, I'm running the spanking new Maple 12 and I would like to graph the rather harmless expression for wave motion a sin(x - v*t) When I type it in and bring up the Plot Builder assistant it gives me the option (among many) of making one variable the animation variable and the other two "slidable". When I hit "Plot" an "Interactive Parameter Maplet" pops up where I can slide the value of those parameters while it cycles through the animation.

I´ve got problems with solving this task! Please help me with the solutions. Maybe someone knows how it works. I solved it from 1-4 and don´t know 5-8



The Crank - rocker consists of rocker 1, coupler 2 and rocker 4. It´s connected with swivel joints. The rack is fixed.
We look at the  point mass m in A and the torsion spring (with damper) in B0. The weight and the inert force because of the motion affect in A (vx,vy ax,ay). All other components are without mass, rotary inertia could also been disregarded.

Hi everybody,

I've got a numerically computed 2D free energy profile given by a set of 3D points (x_n,y_n,E(x_n,y_n)). I'd like to obtain a fit to those points given by some sufficiently smooth analytical function E(x,y) and subsequently compute the critical points (i.e. local minima, maxima and saddle points). Does anyone know if there is any specific package to do this in Maple 8 (or higher) or else what is the best strategy to do so? Thanks in advance.

Hey its Paul, I have another similar post to this one where I ask this question as a continuation of a question I had previously asked. However I am going to keep the two questions separate.

At each point I have the same data as I had in the previous question:

c:  an integer from 1-5 specifiying which differential equation was used to calculate the z value at this point (this information shold be represented by different coloured vectors)

x: this is just the x position of the data point

y: this is just the y position of the data point

den1 := (1/2)*((2+x^2)*sqrt(4+x^2)+2*sqrt(4+x^2)*cos(t*sqrt(4+x^2)*tau/`ℏ`)+sqrt(4+x^2)*(cos(t*x*tau/`ℏ`))(2+(2+x^2)*cos(t*sqrt(4+x^2)*tau/`ℏ`))+x*(4+x^2)*sin(t*x*tau/`ℏ`)*sin(t*sqrt(4+x^2)*tau/`ℏ`))/(4+x^2)^(3/2)


den2 := 4*cos((1/2)*t*x*tau/`ℏ`)^2*sin((1/2)*t*sqrt(4+x^2)*tau/`ℏ`)^2/(4+x^2);


den3 := 4*sin((1/2)*t*x*tau/`ℏ`)^2*sin((1/2)*t*sqrt(4+x^2)*tau/`ℏ`)^2/(4+x^2);

Also g1 and g2 are costants. I need the expression of  T,that solves the equation,  in function of  x1, P, g1, g2 because later I've to use this expression in Fortran. However I find some mistakes in the equation. The correct equation is funz=0


I'm using maple to optimize a certain problem. I have two matrices, A and B both of size m by n. Now I want to maximize alpha(a scalar) such that Bx>=alpha*Ax for arbitrary x. So I gave maple the following problem: input:=evalm(A&*X): > output:=evalm(B&*X): > for i from 1 to m do > constraint[i]:=output[i]-alpha*input[i]>=0; > od: > Constraints:=seq(constraint[i],i=1..m); > sumconstraint:=add(x[i],i=1..n)>=10; oplos:=NLPSolve(alpha,{Constraints,somconstraint},maximize=true,assume=nonnegative); My problem is that maple sometimes can't come up with an answer and tells me:









'pv:=p2'); %The variable a is matlab variable 'm:=m');'m1:=m1');'f:=piecewise(x>=pv[i], 1/(m1), x<pv[i], 0)')maple('r:=sum(f,i=1..m1)');



Help!  Is anyone using MapleTA authentication with the LDAP on SUN serves.  It requires a two step authentication that I do not understand.  It would be helpful if someone has an example of how this is done.


I got the Quaternions package (version 2007) from MapleSoft:



Now I type in the following statements:

I'd like to have better control over formatting. It seems that Maple will put one image next to another but will only allow 1 line of text next to the images. Is there advanced formating control available?


Hallo to everybody I have some problem with the partial derivation of a matrix... I want to derive all the term of a matrix for "x". The matrix contains symbolic variable that are functions of x,y,t.  How can I do that? I attach to you my sheet,I hope that you can help me

thanks a  lot




How do i get 20th iteration for following fixed pt problem

x = exp(-x/2)

Please help.


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