Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer
Is it possible to change and save the default background color and pen settings for a sketch?
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! :) I'm doin a problem on the restricted 3 body problem...What i want is to creat a proc "equilibria(mu)" which finds all five equilibria of (DE) when mu_1=mu and displays, in a neat table, the (x,y)-position of each equilibrium and the eigenvalues of the vector field's Jacobian at that equilibrium. In addition, the table should indicate if the equilibrium is hyperbolic (all eigenvalues are real and non-zero), elliptic (all eigenvalues are imaginary and non-zero), hyperbolic-elliptic (a mixture of non-zero real and imaginary eigenvalues), or otherwise.. Now the difficulty is this, i can find the equ's and get the evalues, but i have a proble with gettin them into a table...i've been told that prinf is a good one to use, but i have no idea at which bit to use it..this is how far i've got

I want to ask about a small problem. I will present a paper at a conference in February. Because it involves time consuming calculations of numerical solutions for several onerous systems, I will do the calculations at home before the talk, save the results, and show the output to the conference. The folks attending the conference are not necessarily Maple Folks, so I do not want to have to explain the tilde after characters for which I have made assumptions. Of course, I know about


After making the calculations here at home, traveling to the meeting, opening the file to make the presentation then, alas, the tildes are back again. Try this.

> assume(a, real):
> interface(showassumed=0):
> equa:=a^2+a-1;

Run this file. No tilde. Close the file saving the output. Open the file. There is the tilde after each “a".

My question:is there some way to make the tilde stay gone when I save such a file and reopen it without recalculation the worksheet?

Hi guys ;) I have a question. Is it possible to apply a PID controller with the following parameters(P=6,I=4,D=0.02)to a Non Linear System described with the differentiate equation like this mk*diff(x(t),t,t)+kfv*diff(x(t),t)-(ki^2*u(t)^2*kc)/(mk*(x(t)-x10)^2)-mk*g=0 or in the second form, as two differentiate equations like dx1 := (x1,x2) ->x2; dx2 := (x1,x2) ->((u*ki)^2*kc)/(mk*(x1-x10)^2)-g*mk/mk-kfv*x2/mk; without linearisation in operating point, where u - is input variable, x - position, dx/dt - velocity, d^2x/dt - acceleration ? Thanks for your help.
I need to generate pimitive polynomials of degree 17 over GF(2^32) for use in an LFSR working over 32-bit words. Does anyone know how it can be done?
I try to deduce distribution fonction from a parametrized set of points with Maple. At this stage I have a dataset define through a relationship like y=f(x), and I want to obtain the distribution of y points, given that x in [-A,A]. The theoretic formula is : F[Y](z) = P(y<z). i.e. F[Y](z) = Int(delta[f(x)< z],x=-A..A); and I use the piecewise Maple function to implement it ( Int(piecewise(f(x)< z,1,0),x=-A..A) ), but for Maple : Int(piecewise(f(x)< z,1,0),x=-A..A) = piecewise(Int(f(x)< z, x=-A..A),1,0)) which is totally different !
If I have f:=x^2+1000*y: and under contraint g:=1000-x-y: how Do i find this Min or max with the hessian Bordered style ..... I allready know how to do the Lagrange version but this hessien ... im out .. and if it's the same ( because it's gona give me the same answer as if I do it with the !!!!!! Student:-MultivariateCalculus:-LagrangeMultipliers(f,[g],[x,y]); !!!! ) Thanks very urgent ! ( Im using Maple 9,5 if that makes a diff) Tx Jp
Hi, I have been having problems using the three !!! button which calculates a whole spreadsheet. When it runs I have found that one of the lines in some of the sub routines doesn't always calculate. The line is a Spline interpolation function. If someone could help with this that would be great.
Is there a straightforward procedure to have a radical appear on the plot of a function? E.g, how can one display (2, sqrt(2)) in the plot but with the actual square-root symbol appearing. I've read in the knowledge base about the use of textplot. However, the routine is limited to exponents.

This is a program discribing the dynamic behavior of a N pendelum system. When I tried to comparae the result of different initial conditions, I found that every time i run it, the graph will be different.

I know that double pendelum system is a typical chaotic system, is this the reason why i have different result for each time?

Here I attach the file, but plz rename it to ***.mws file before run, b/c i wrote it in maple classic worksheet.

> restart:
with(SolveTools):with( plots ): with( plottools ):
with( DEtools ): with( PDEtools ):
#initialization function of each beam,in this function, we should give 3 variables, n=the number of this #beam, la=the length of this beam, ma=the  mass of this beam,q=the initial angle of the beam,and qt=the initial angle velocity of the beam
global l,m,x,y,theta,icq,icqt:
l[n]:=la:           #length of  beam n
m[n]:=ma:           #mass of beam n
#initialize the positions of each beam
x[n][2]:=0:        #the x position of the end point of each beam
y[n][2]:=0:        #the x position of the end point of each beam
x[n][1]:=0:        #the y position of the center point of each beam
y[n][1]:=0:        #the y position of the center point of each beam
end proc;
#define the forces that applied on the end of  beam n
global fx,fy:
end proc;

has someone a sheet about percolation theory ? I put a very simple one on my blog: percolation
I can pointplot a single curve if I select a single element from the list below. Is it possible to use all the elements of the list and plot several curves on the same graph?
If I have the X and Y variable all done up and I am trying to find a way to figure out if their is a way to make up a quadratic equation with maple. and can maple find the inflextion point of this curve ? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Jp
I have a procedure that will run fine in Maple 8 but gives an error when it is run in Maple 9.5. The error is a "cannot solve error". Are there any known issues that may lead to this type of problem? Thanks.
Is there a way to do a Symbolic Computations under Max-Plus Algebra? For instance, linear algebra computations under under Max-Plus Algebra. I would like to appreciate any comments on it.
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