MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by

Find the definition Of the word juxtaposition in a dictionary and explain its meaning in the context of the tutorial?
What is different between semicolon and colon? And give for an example..

1) Define 3 x 3 matrix M first by generating a random matrix using RandomMatrix(3,3generator=1...9) such that the row reduced form reveals one free variable and then letting M equal this matrix. If you set M equal to the Random Matrix command, it will generate a different matrix every time. You do not want to this happen 2) using the matrix A that you defined in problem 1, define a vector b such that the matrix equation Mx = b can be solved and find it's solution.

Define nonsquare matrices A and B and a vector c such that following operation can be perform and perform the operation: A) A + B B) ( A - B)c C) define another vector c such that BV can be computed and computed D) solve the system of equation Ax = 0

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