Michael Gustafson

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18 years, 292 days

MaplePrimes Activity

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The following worksheet:

turned into this with Maple 2024.1 and export to PDF:


Print to PDF seems to work BUT not all environments have a print to PDF option...this is specifically an issue with a Unix environment

This must be a Maple 2023 feature - hopefully someone will take a look at this.  At the moment, my university only supplies a UNIX version of Maple to students, and in a way that there is no print service but only export service.  Definitely a problem.

@nm The only problem with using partial fractions is if there happens to be a time shift; there's a workaround (take out the shift, expand, put the shift back, take the inverse) but it's...tedious.

Excellent!  I am also wondering where the "3" is coming from in the incorrect version  :)

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