
115 Reputation

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3 years, 352 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by 2cUniverse


Its working :)

It takes a few seconds to save the TIFF  in 5000x5000 pixels for the print company.

I will see what format is the best.

Thanks for help :)


I have tried out some ways.

Is it possible to convert a plot which is generated with the plots:-display()-command to an image format ?

I ask this because for adding a frame with PadImage I need image format ?!

So now I am going the way (without reading from a file) to dircectly write the frame added TIFF-file to a special path.

A problem is that I can't change the worksheetdir because its fixed. But I need to specify a special path. This is later for uploading the TIFFs to an Website-pah via SFTP.

Example please only for one plot (no Loop).

Thanks for support :)


Thanks for helping :)

this command PadImage is what I was looking for. I have tried it with the PNGs.

There is a problem with the format. I have squared plots (see attached file).

I see that the PNGs which I have generated from exportplot are also 800x600. But this is not what I want.

Here is an example SVG as zip. I hope you can open it.

Normally I am producing a higher resolution TIFF-file from the Maple-SVG outside of maple. The Maple-SVG is generated with exportplot. All my artworks a saved as SVGs.

In the graphic program It works good with the color-profile sRGB when exporting the TIFF.

The SVG is a vector-file which I can use to produce any print size from that TIFF.

I am not sure if this (higher resolution for printing in 300 DPI) is working when using the interface function.

@Carl Love 

I have the same idea to do it similar like you did it above.

But  to use MathContainer is much easier when working with embbeded components.



Thank you,

this works pretty well.


this is implemented in my program :)


@Carl Love 

ok I understand :)


@Carl Love 

Thank you Carl :)

In an earlier speed test for dec-bin convert I have allready seen that this Split-command is the best (fastest) one.

Your explanations are very helpfull !

Just one question for the seq line:

(0, seq['scan'= `+`](3^(W:= wt(k-1)) - `if`(W=B, 2^(-1+B++), 0), k= 2..n))

In the W=B comparison the the value of W which is used in W=B is from this line left of the minus W:=wt ... or from the last seq-step (one before) ?

@Thomas Richard 

thanks for worksheet.

I will study it too :)

@Carl Love 

That was it.

OEIS_A219954_B := proc(n::posint) local b, k, P, Q, L, c; b := ilog2(n); P := `^`~(2, [$ (0 .. b)]); Q := `^`~(3, [$ (1 .. b + 1)]); L := 1; [0, seq['scan' = `+`](Q[(c := numboccur(Bits:-Split(k - 1), 1))] - `if`(c = L, P[L++], 0), k = 2 .. n)]; end proc;
 [0, 2, 5, 12, 15, 24, 33, 56, 59, 68, 77, 104, 113, 140, 167, 

   240, 243, 252, 261]

Now I will study what your are exactly doing in this code ...

Thanks for support :)


I know about this, and in fact I want  to have an easy code which calculates A160414. But I am interested  to do this by counting digits.

So I take Carls code multiply the sequnce-elements by 4 and add 1. This is much faster than the Maple code in A160414.

I like bin-digit counting. Think to this wonderfull formular which Sondow gives for gamma (0,577.. and ln(4/pi)) by counting zero's and one's.

@Carl Love 

This code "Carl's procedure" is very efficient ! And is exactly what I am looking for (with log2 and Bits:-Split).

I have copied it to Maple(2021) in 2-D Input and get this message:

Error, invalid `$` operator 

     for the Q declaration, exact marked here: [$b+1]

whats wrong ?

How may I insert Maple-Code here in a box like you do it in the grey box above ?

Thanks :)

@Thomas Richard 

I get this message:

Error, invalid arrow procedure

May you send it as an mw.-file ?

@Carl Love 

When I copy it to Maple then I get this message:

OEIS_A219954:= (n::posint)-> local L:= ilog2(n), k:= n-1;     (thisproc(n):= `if`(n=1, 0, thisproc(k) + `if`(2^L=n, 3^L - n/2, 3^add(Bits:-Split(k)))))  :
Error, invalid arrow procedure

This works:

OEIS_A219954 := proc(n) local L, k; L := ilog2(n); k := n - 1; thisproc(n) := `if`(n = 1, 0, thisproc(k) + `if`(2^L = n, 3^L - 1/2*n, 3^add(Bits:-Split(k)))); end proc:

But I am happy to have it in Maple now :)

@Carl Love 

the correct plot-ratio is stored with scaling=constrainded

Thanks for support :)

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