
115 Reputation

4 Badges

3 years, 239 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by 2cUniverse

How do I compile a larger maple code for usage without maple system ?

Thanks for support :)

Whats the best way to let a Maple-Code run in webspace.

The Maple-Procedure gets some parameters from a mobile-App. Then doing calculations and giving back data as a file to the mobile app.

I have alomost decided for Deno which accepts Javascript. This is develeoped by Ryan Dahl who has also created Node.

Deno is more compact and very fast. So I when I use a deno server code  then I need the Maple-Code in language Javascript.

I have tried to translate some maple-subprocedures of my code with CodeGeneration but this is very restricted I think.

Thanks for ideas :)

Since I have updated from Maple 2021 to 2023 something is wrong with my stylesheets.

I rephrase my qeustion here:

I like to change the text-style of 2D-Input to courant 12, bold, color x, no italic.

Now it is courant 12, black, italic when opening a new worksheet.

I was going to format, style, 2D-input, modify and then the font has changed when opening a new woksheet but the color is going back to black and its also italic courant when pressing enter in that worksheet.

I When opening a new worksheet, i don't want ot looad an new style set by hand every time.


Thanks for support



I have a very simple question:

How do I find the index of an list element.

For example to find 96 in the following list which is the 25th element.

R := [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 31, 62, 27, 54, 11, 22, 44, 88, 79, 61, 25, 50, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 95, 93, 89, 81, 65, 33, 66, 35, 70, 43, 86, 75, 53, 9, 18, 36, 72, 47, 94, 91, 85, 73, 49];

So how to find 25 ?

I have tried to generate a phase-plot of a complex function with maple (phase is the argument).

For example f(z):=gamma(z) or f(z):=zeta(z).

I haven't found.

Another idea is to translate this Matlab-Code to Maple-Code to get this beautyfull coloured plots.

xmin = -0.5;
xmax = 0.5;
ymin = -0.5;
ymax = 0.5;
xres = 400;
yres = 400;
x = linspace(xmin, xmax, xres);
y = linspace(ymin, ymax, yres);
[x, y] = meshgrid(x, y);
z = i*y + x;
f = exp(1./z);
p = surf(real(z), imag(z), 0*f, angle(-f));
set(p, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
caxis([-pi, pi]), colormap*hsv(600)*view(0, 90), axis*equal, axis*off;
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