
5 Reputation

One Badge

11 years, 241 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Aritra

@jaytreiman Hey thanks. The full code (not given here) however includes a lot of steps and maple takes up some 1.2 GB on the server and then tends to crash.. But anyways thanks. I guess i can feed some simplified stuff to MAPLE

@jaytreiman Hey thanks. The full code (not given here) however includes a lot of steps and maple takes up some 1.2 GB on the server and then tends to crash.. But anyways thanks. I guess i can feed some simplified stuff to MAPLE

I want to keep a_ij as function of kind and kj s. Later I need to put them in summation. At the end I would like to substitute particular values of k1 k2 .... To get a scalar value from the sum.




For a much simplified case can you tell me how I can make a_ ij=k_I+k_j. ?? Thank you

I want to keep a_ij as function of kind and kj s. Later I need to put them in summation. At the end I would like to substitute particular values of k1 k2 .... To get a scalar value from the sum.




For a much simplified case can you tell me how I can make a_ ij=k_I+k_j. ?? Thank you

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