Carl Love

Carl Love

27651 Reputation

25 Badges

12 years, 121 days
Wayland, Massachusetts, United States
My name was formerly Carl Devore.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Carl Love

It's essentially the same situation as with your last question. The difference is that this is solve rather than dsolve. You assign the result of the solving command to a variable. In this case, you used solution as the variable. Then my recommended technique is to access the contents of solution with the eval. To get the plot in this case, try

plot(eval(C2, solution), omega= 0..2, -3..3);

You wrote: How to get all solution?

I would think that with the huge number of similar Questions that you've asked (and have been Answered) over the past year that you'd be able to figure that out on your own by now.

I think that it is silly to ask for all solutions to this problem because there are a huge number, and most subsets of four points are a solution.

Nonetheless, all the solutions can be obtained with this code, which takes more than 30 minutes to run:

Sols:= table():
for P4 in combinat:-choose(L,4) do
     ct:= 0; #count non rt triangles for this group of 4 pts.
     for P3 in combinat:-choose(P4,3) do
               [seq](geom3d:-point(A||k, P3[k][]), k= 1..3)
          if geom3d:-IsRightTriangle(ABC) then  break  end if;
          ct:= ct+1
     end do;
     # 4 triangles can be made from 4 pts: C(4,3) = 4.
     if ct = 4 then  Sols[P4]:= [][]  end if
end do:

Sols:= {indices}(Sols, nolist):


A better technique is to use a Monte Carlo method to approximate the number of solutions. We use combinat:-randcomb to repeatedly select four points at random.

N:= 2^10:   #number of random trials
sol_ct:= 0: #number of solutions found
for k to N do
     P4:= combinat:-randcomb(L, 4);
     ct:= 0; #count non rt triangles for this group of 4 pts.
     for P3 in combinat:-choose(P4,3) do
               [seq](geom3d:-point(A||k, P3[k][]), k= 1..3)
          if geom3d:-IsRightTriangle(ABC) then  break  end if;
          ct:= ct+1
     end do;
     # 4 triangles can be made from 4 pts: C(4,3) = 4.
     if ct = 4 then  sol_ct:= sol_ct+1  end if
end do:

trunc(evalf(sol_ct/N)*binomial(nops(L), 4));


There are two ways: You can use dsolve(..., numeric) and plots:-odeplot, or you can use an analytic dsolve solution with a parametric plot.


sys:= diff(x1(t), t$2) = f, diff(x2(t), t$2) = g:

fcns:= x1(t), x2(t):

ICs:= x1(0) = -1, D(x1)(0) = 0, x2(0) = 0, D(x2)(0) = 0:

f:= -k1*x1(t) + k2*(x2(t)-x1(t)):

g:= -k2*(x2(t)-x1(t)) - k3*x2(t):

k||(1..3):= 4, .8, 4:

Purely numeric solution allows you to use odeplot.

Sol_N:= dsolve({sys,ICs}, {fcns}, numeric):

plots:-odeplot(Sol_N, [D(x1)(t), x1(t)], t= -10..10, numpoints= 2^10);

And do likewise for the other plot that you want.


We can get the same plots with the purely analytic solution.

Sol_A:=  dsolve({sys, ICs}, {fcns});

{x1(t) = -(1/2)*cos(2*t)-(1/2)*cos((2/5)*35^(1/2)*t), x2(t) = -(1/2)*cos(2*t)+(1/2)*cos((2/5)*35^(1/2)*t)}

There's no need to use evalf. I would like to discourage you from using assign. Usually, eval is easier to work with.

plot(eval([diff(x1(t), t), x1(t), t= -10..10], Sol_A), numpoints= 2^10);



I've experimented computationally with f(n) and discovered some very interesting properties. These would need to be proven of course.

Conjecture 1: If n > 2 and 2*n - 1 is prime, then f(n) is divisible by 2*n - 1.

I've verified this up n = 6940.

My second conjecture implies the first, and is much stronger. I've also verified it up to n = 6940.

Conjecture 2:If n > 2 and 2*n - 1 is prime, then 2*n - 1 is the largest prime factor of f(n).

So, even though f(6940) is a huge number with 4173 decimal digits, its largest prime factor is only 2*6940 - 1 = 13,879 (with only 5 digits). That's amazing!

Considering the huge size of f(n), my next conjecture "almost implies" the first two.

Conjecture 3: If n > 0, then f(n) has no prime factor greater than 2*n - 1.

Since your worksheet is long, I stopped reading after I found the first mistake. So, I don't know if this mistake is the ultimate cause of your issue. Correct the mistake, and if you still have your issue, then repost the corrected worksheet, and I'll have another look. (And if you don't still have the issue, please post a followup and say so!)

The mistake is that at one point you mispelled unapply as unpply. It's when you're defining I[Lm2] almost halfway through the worksheet.

You have three problems. The first is a trivial typo. Before the fprintf, you have a "*" which should be a ";". The second is that solve returns multiple solutions, some of which are not real. Your formatting is expecting a single real value. To get a single real value, use fsolve instead of solve (in both cases). The third problem is that with your current settings, each loop is going to execute 3 million times. Do you really want to spend the time required for that? If not, then you either need to reduce the 81920 or increase the value of dtt.

Set all variables to their initial state:


Define a function...

f:= x-> x^2 + 2*x - 3;

proc (x) options operator, arrow; x^2+2*x-3 end proc

...and its derivative

df:= D(f)(x);


The derivative evaluated at x = 2.

eval(df, x= 2);


Another way for the same thing.



Equation of tangent line at x = 2:

TanLine:= y = f(2) + D(f)(2)*(x - 2);

y = -7+6*x

Plot of the function and the tangent line near the point of tangency.

plot([f(x), eval(y, TanLine)], x= -2..4);

Solve for the derivative being 0.

solve(df = 0, {x});

{x = -1}



The desired expansion is not true for general A and B. (Consider A = B = -1, a = 1/2.) It is necessary to assume that they are positive. The sign of a doesn't matter.

Here are three ways:

expand((A*B)^a) assuming A>0, B>0;

expand((A*B)^a) assuming positive;

simplify((A*B)^a, symbolic);

[Edit: I completely redid this Answer, using all the original variable names, minus the underscores.]

There is a unique solution to your system. To reduce the visual space needed to present the solution, I removed the underscores from all of your names.



for k to 4 do
     e||k:= Vector(4);
     e||k[k]:= 1;
     X||k:= Vector(4, symbol= x||k);

B:= [e1+e4, e2, 0, e1+e4]:

C:= [a,b,c,d]:

for k to 4 do
     eq||k:= add(cat(C[j],k) * X||j, j= 1..4) =~ B[k]

Sol:= solve(
     convert(< eq||(1..4) >, list),
     [seq](seq(x||k[j], j= 1..4), k= 1..4)

The solutions all have the same denominator, of course---the determinant of the coefficient matrix. To save space I'll remove the denominators from the solutions.

Numers:= map(lhs=numer@rhs, Sol[]);

[x1[1] = -b1*c2*d3+b1*c3*d2+b2*c1*d3-b2*c3*d1+b2*c3*d4-b2*c4*d3-b3*c1*d2+b3*c2*d1-b3*c2*d4+b3*c4*d2+b4*c2*d3-b4*c3*d2, x1[2] = -b1*c3*d4+b1*c4*d3+b3*c1*d4-b3*c4*d1-b4*c1*d3+b4*c3*d1, x1[3] = 0, x1[4] = -b1*c2*d3+b1*c3*d2+b2*c1*d3-b2*c3*d1+b2*c3*d4-b2*c4*d3-b3*c1*d2+b3*c2*d1-b3*c2*d4+b3*c4*d2+b4*c2*d3-b4*c3*d2, x2[1] = a1*c2*d3-a1*c3*d2-a2*c1*d3+a2*c3*d1-a2*c3*d4+a2*c4*d3+a3*c1*d2-a3*c2*d1+a3*c2*d4-a3*c4*d2-a4*c2*d3+a4*c3*d2, x2[2] = a1*c3*d4-a1*c4*d3-a3*c1*d4+a3*c4*d1+a4*c1*d3-a4*c3*d1, x2[3] = 0, x2[4] = a1*c2*d3-a1*c3*d2-a2*c1*d3+a2*c3*d1-a2*c3*d4+a2*c4*d3+a3*c1*d2-a3*c2*d1+a3*c2*d4-a3*c4*d2-a4*c2*d3+a4*c3*d2, x3[1] = -a1*b2*d3+a1*b3*d2+a2*b1*d3-a2*b3*d1+a2*b3*d4-a2*b4*d3-a3*b1*d2+a3*b2*d1-a3*b2*d4+a3*b4*d2+a4*b2*d3-a4*b3*d2, x3[2] = -a1*b3*d4+a1*b4*d3+a3*b1*d4-a3*b4*d1-a4*b1*d3+a4*b3*d1, x3[3] = 0, x3[4] = -a1*b2*d3+a1*b3*d2+a2*b1*d3-a2*b3*d1+a2*b3*d4-a2*b4*d3-a3*b1*d2+a3*b2*d1-a3*b2*d4+a3*b4*d2+a4*b2*d3-a4*b3*d2, x4[1] = a1*b2*c3-a1*b3*c2-a2*b1*c3+a2*b3*c1-a2*b3*c4+a2*b4*c3+a3*b1*c2-a3*b2*c1+a3*b2*c4-a3*b4*c2-a4*b2*c3+a4*b3*c2, x4[2] = a1*b3*c4-a1*b4*c3-a3*b1*c4+a3*b4*c1+a4*b1*c3-a4*b3*c1, x4[3] = 0, x4[4] = a1*b2*c3-a1*b3*c2-a2*b1*c3+a2*b3*c1-a2*b3*c4+a2*b4*c3+a3*b1*c2-a3*b2*c1+a3*b2*c4-a3*b4*c2-a4*b2*c3+a4*b3*c2]

The denominator is

Q:= denom(rhs(Sol[][1]));


eval(X1, Numers);

Vector(4, {(1) = -b1*c2*d3+b1*c3*d2+b2*c1*d3-b2*c3*d1+b2*c3*d4-b2*c4*d3-b3*c1*d2+b3*c2*d1-b3*c2*d4+b3*c4*d2+b4*c2*d3-b4*c3*d2, (2) = -b1*c3*d4+b1*c4*d3+b3*c1*d4-b3*c4*d1-b4*c1*d3+b4*c3*d1, (3) = 0, (4) = -b1*c2*d3+b1*c3*d2+b2*c1*d3-b2*c3*d1+b2*c3*d4-b2*c4*d3-b3*c1*d2+b3*c2*d1-b3*c2*d4+b3*c4*d2+b4*c2*d3-b4*c3*d2})

eval(X2, Numers);

Vector(4, {(1) = a1*c2*d3-a1*c3*d2-a2*c1*d3+a2*c3*d1-a2*c3*d4+a2*c4*d3+a3*c1*d2-a3*c2*d1+a3*c2*d4-a3*c4*d2-a4*c2*d3+a4*c3*d2, (2) = a1*c3*d4-a1*c4*d3-a3*c1*d4+a3*c4*d1+a4*c1*d3-a4*c3*d1, (3) = 0, (4) = a1*c2*d3-a1*c3*d2-a2*c1*d3+a2*c3*d1-a2*c3*d4+a2*c4*d3+a3*c1*d2-a3*c2*d1+a3*c2*d4-a3*c4*d2-a4*c2*d3+a4*c3*d2})

eval(X3, Numers);

Vector(4, {(1) = -a1*b2*d3+a1*b3*d2+a2*b1*d3-a2*b3*d1+a2*b3*d4-a2*b4*d3-a3*b1*d2+a3*b2*d1-a3*b2*d4+a3*b4*d2+a4*b2*d3-a4*b3*d2, (2) = -a1*b3*d4+a1*b4*d3+a3*b1*d4-a3*b4*d1-a4*b1*d3+a4*b3*d1, (3) = 0, (4) = -a1*b2*d3+a1*b3*d2+a2*b1*d3-a2*b3*d1+a2*b3*d4-a2*b4*d3-a3*b1*d2+a3*b2*d1-a3*b2*d4+a3*b4*d2+a4*b2*d3-a4*b3*d2})

eval(X4, Numers);

Vector(4, {(1) = a1*b2*c3-a1*b3*c2-a2*b1*c3+a2*b3*c1-a2*b3*c4+a2*b4*c3+a3*b1*c2-a3*b2*c1+a3*b2*c4-a3*b4*c2-a4*b2*c3+a4*b3*c2, (2) = a1*b3*c4-a1*b4*c3-a3*b1*c4+a3*b4*c1+a4*b1*c3-a4*b3*c1, (3) = 0, (4) = a1*b2*c3-a1*b3*c2-a2*b1*c3+a2*b3*c1-a2*b3*c4+a2*b4*c3+a3*b1*c2-a3*b2*c1+a3*b2*c4-a3*b4*c2-a4*b2*c3+a4*b3*c2})


To be completely rigorous, we need to show that there is at least one assignment of numeric values to the coefficients that makes the denominator non-zero. This is of course trivial to do, and I leave it to you.



First, you do not need to check the type of x,y,z; they are definitely integer. To find a subset of L with the desired property, we use the combinat package to iterate through subsets of L of size 4. For each subset, we iterate through its subsets of size 3, using geom3d:-IsRightTriangle. The last value of P4 after executing the loop below is your desired group of 4 with no right triangles.

C:= combinat:-firstcomb(nops(L), 4):
while C <> combinat:-lastcomb(nops(L), 4) do
     P4:= L[[C[]]]:
     ct:= 0; #count non rt triangles for this group of 4 pts.
     for P3 in combinat:-choose(P4,3) do
               [seq](geom3d:-point(A||k, P3[k][]), k= 1..3)
          if geom3d:-IsRightTriangle(ABC) then  break  end if;
          ct:= ct+1
     end do;
     # 4 triangles can be made from 4 pts: C(4,3) = 4.
     if ct = 4 then  break  end if;
     C:= combinat:-nextcomb(C, nops(L))
end do:

      [[-5, 0, 2], [-5, 0, 10], [-4, -2, 3], [-4, -2, 9]]

In your Optimization command (e.g.Minimize, LPSolve) include the option output= solutionmodule:

SM:= Optimization:-Minimize(
     {6 >= x+2*y, 20 >= 5*x+4*y, x >= 0, y >= 0},
     output= solutionmodule

Now SM is a module, so its contents (aka members) can be accessed with the :- operator. There are two members, SM:-Settings and SM:-Results. What you want is


See ?Optimization,General,Solution

You should forget about the print command. It is the wrong paradigm. It is inhibiting your understanding. Good Maple code very rarely uses it. I say this having read all your previous questions. The better paradigm is to make the result that you want to see the same as the result of the most recently executed command.

The result that you want in the present case can be achieved thus (the linebreak issue is handled automatically by the GUI) :

a:= 2:  b:= .29:  d:= 1.85:
eq1:= x*(-b*x^2-x+1):
eq2:= y*((a*x*x)/(b*y^2)-d-h*y):
h:= .5: for k while 1 >= h do
     h:= h + .1;     
     S:= solve({eq1, eq2}, {x, y});
     X[k],Y[k]:= eval([x,y], S[2])[]
end do:
convert(X, list); convert(Y,list);

   [0.809816975292943, 0.809816975292943, 0.809816975292943,
   0.809816975292943, 0.809816975292943, 0.809816975292943]

    [1.30989205371406, 1.28289831180836, 1.25827763787148,
1.23567070473363, 1.21479304855971, 1.19541568678247]

You may have an old worksheet. If you have the 32-bit version of Maple, then you have the Classic interface. Use that to open the worksheet. Then resave it. Then try again with Standard. If you have 64-bit, then post the worksheet, and I'll do it for you.

Two (of many) ways:

A:= t-> [a(t), b(t), c(t)]; #a list

A:= t->  < a(t), b(t), c(t) >; #a (column) vector

To prove that two algebraic numbers A and B are equal, use


You will get 0 if and only if they are equal.

In your case, they are equal. In this case simplify(A-B) will also work; however, the evala technique is guaranteed to work whereas the simplify is not.

The question remains, How can the first form be simplified to something like the second form? One technique that works in this case is identify.

r:= evalf(A):
for d from Digits+1 to 2^13 while r::float do
     r:= identify(evalf[d](A));
end do:
d-1, r;

This is only a guess (albeit a very sophisticated guess), and it still needs to be proven:



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