Carl Love

Carl Love

27579 Reputation

25 Badges

12 years, 55 days
Wayland, Massachusetts, United States
My name was formerly Carl Devore.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Carl Love

I've read the help page ?printf for the format codes many times over the years. I think that this is new:

The Z modifier, "%Zm" can be used to generate an alternate equivalent dotm representation that is used in communication with the GUI and in DocumentTools related functionality for the creation of XML content for .mw files.

Could someone show me an example of that?


The problem that I'm asking about here doesn't show in the MaplePrimes display of the worksheet below; you'll need to download the worksheet to see it. The problem is that the last subsection (which is currently empty) overlaps with the second-to-last subsection. It also overlapped when it was not empty. I just want to delete that last subsection, but nothing that I've tried works. This is not the first time that I've had overlapping subsections, but previously I've always been able to fix the problem by closing and re-opening the worksheet. That doesn't work in this case. A scratch space for testing NewSLO:-reparam

Modify at will.

Created by Carl 2016Jun17.


Important: If any change is made to KB.mpl or NewSLO.mpl then before running this worksheet

1. Restart all open Maple sessions.

2. From the command line, run "cmaple -q < update-archive.mpl".



dir:= "C:/cygwin64/home/owner/hakaru/maple/":

Load:= proc(package::symbol) read ""||dir||package||".mpl" end proc:






Passed cases


Cases being worked on


infolevel[reparam]:= 2:


Linear fractional transformation (LFT) with symbolic coefficients


LFT with explicit coefficients


Simplest nonlinear LFT: 1/x


Symbolic constant multiple


Two-variable LFT with Gamma


Two-variable constant multiple with ChiSquare and Standard Normal


(t16) Sum of std normals to Normal(0, sqrt(2))


(t20) Sum of n Bernoullis to Binomial


(t23) Sum of Exponentials to Gamma




Why won't this procedure Compile? All I get is a cryptic and ungrammatical error message.

    step:= proc(
          XYZ::Matrix(datatype= float[8]),
          E::Vector(datatype=integer[4]), F::Vector(datatype=integer[4]),
          W::Matrix(datatype= float[8]), #3x2 scratch matrix
     option autocompile;
          i::integer[4], j::integer[4],
          p::float[8], t::float[8]       
          to mu do
               for i to n do
                    ed:= 0;  fd:= 0;
                    for j to 3 do
                          p:= XYZ[i,j];
                          t:= XYZ[E[i],j] - p;
                          ed:= ed+t^2;
                          W[j,1]:= t;
                          t:= XYZ[F[i],j] - p;
                          fd:= fd+t^2;
                          W[j,2]:= t
                    ed:= sqrt(ed) + .01;  fd:= sqrt(fd) + .01;
                    for j to 3 do
                         XYZ[i,j]:= 0.995*XYZ[i,j] - 0.01*W[j,1]/ed + 0.02*W[j,2]/fd
     end proc;

Error, (in Compiler:-Compile1) In memory compilation failed

I have seen several animated avatars on MaplePrimes. How is this done? I tried to make an animated GIF file my avatar, but it only shows the first frame. Here is the animation:

The following code is part of my attempt to answer the recent Question about the bifurcation of the map f:= x-> exp(x^2*(a-x)). Two very weird things are happening. They can be seen by applying trace to f. The first is that the input argument to f seems to be changed to a very large integer. The second is that for some real values of a and x, I get imaginary results from this obviously real-valued function. Why are these things happening?


f:= x-> exp(x^2*(a-x)):


Iterate:= proc(a, x0:= 1., n:= 2000)
local A:= hfarray(1..n, [x0]), f:= subs(:-a= a, eval(:-f));          
          proc(f, A, n)
          local k;
               for k from 2 to n do A[k]:= f(A[k-1]) end do
          end proc
          (f, A, n);
     evalf[4]~(convert(A[1000..], set))
end proc:


{--> enter f, args = 4607182418800017408




<-- exit f (now in unknown) = 4607413323290551347}
{--> enter f, args = 4607413323290551347




<-- exit f (now in unknown) = 4607169774561176020}
{--> enter f, args = 4607169774561176020




Warning,  computation interrupted



{--> enter f, args = 4607182418800017408




<-- exit f (now in unknown) = HFloat(0.7545897527558614)+HFloat(0.19267839720238844)*I}

Error, (in unknown) unable to store 'HFloat(0.7545897527558614)+HFloat(0.19267839720238844)*I' when datatype=float[8]





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