Carl Love

Carl Love

27666 Reputation

25 Badges

12 years, 131 days
Wayland, Massachusetts, United States
My name was formerly Carl Devore.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Carl Love

@Joe Riel Thanks for the correction, Joe. I don't know where I got the idea that it was builtin. I took a look at showstat(subsindets). It is a masterpiece of simplicity! Just 15 short statements, 24 lines (including the code brackets end ..., etc.).

How about first solving the problem in the plane z=1 (or, equivalently, z=0)? I don't know that there is such a solution, but I haven't looked.

Did that help? Did you figure out which series was correct, the alternating or the non-alternating?

Did that help? Did you figure out which series was correct, the alternating or the non-alternating?

Roughly how many equations?  I just need the order of magnitude. How many variables? Are the equations composed of rational expressions?

@J4James But what was the expected output in the example that you posted?

For example, what is "the desired output"?

A bug just introduced into the Maple 16.02 Standard GUI plot renderer makes it appear that the above procedure doesn't work with regular plots: The entire plot appears blank. But if you use the context menu "Manipulator" to "Pan" the plot, the curve will appear.

A bug just introduced into the Maple 16.02 Standard GUI plot renderer makes it appear that the above procedure doesn't work with regular plots: The entire plot appears blank. But if you use the context menu "Manipulator" to "Pan" the plot, the curve will appear.

@Alejandro Jakubi Aha! This explains why the Eraser procedure that I posted yesterday in the thread "BubblePlot plotting view" doesn't work on regular plots. The procedure erases points that are not within the VIEW specification of a PLOT by changing the value to undefined. So, it seems that CURVES that have any points set to undefined will not display on the initial view. I don't know yet whether this affects structures other than CURVES, and maybe it's just CURVES specified by a hardware float Matrix. I will test.

@Alejandro Jakubi Aha! This explains why the Eraser procedure that I posted yesterday in the thread "BubblePlot plotting view" doesn't work on regular plots. The procedure erases points that are not within the VIEW specification of a PLOT by changing the value to undefined. So, it seems that CURVES that have any points set to undefined will not display on the initial view. I don't know yet whether this affects structures other than CURVES, and maybe it's just CURVES specified by a hardware float Matrix. I will test.

Okay, I get it. Thanks for the clarification. So is each list LL[k] the complete list of all indices i such that S[i] intersect S[k] = {}?

Oops, I meant Shift-Enter also. Control-Enter gives me the page break in both 1D and 2D. Shift-Enter gives me a newline in both, but no extra space.

Oops, I meant Shift-Enter also. Control-Enter gives me the page break in both 1D and 2D. Shift-Enter gives me a newline in both, but no extra space.

Could you please restate the problem? Are you using LL and S interchangeably? Are you using "list" and "set" interchangeably? Does "nonoverlapping" mean "has empty intersection"? Do you think that the LogicProblem package in the Maple Application Center (the link you gave) can help in solving this problem?

Edit: Corrected spelling of "interchangeably"

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