Carolus Rex

16 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 37 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Carolus Rex

Ok, thanks. (It was only the numbers I wanted to get rid of) Carolus
Ok, thanks. (It was only the numbers I wanted to get rid of) Carolus
Ok, which program should I use to open the .eps file with? I tried with Microsoft Word and it was 63 pages of text... If I find the appropriate text part and make the changes you mention, then how do I get it back as an .eps file again? Just by saving it under the same name? Thanks. Carolus
Ok, which program should I use to open the .eps file with? I tried with Microsoft Word and it was 63 pages of text... If I find the appropriate text part and make the changes you mention, then how do I get it back as an .eps file again? Just by saving it under the same name? Thanks. Carolus
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