DJ Clayworth2

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2 Badges

18 years, 71 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by DJ Clayworth2

Actually you can use display here. The output of display is the same form as the output of plot, so you can feed it back into display again. So you can do: d1:= display(...); d2:= display(...); d3:= display(...); display([d1,d2,d3],insequence=true); David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
Actually you can use display here. The output of display is the same form as the output of plot, so you can feed it back into display again. So you can do: d1:= display(...); d2:= display(...); d3:= display(...); display([d1,d2,d3],insequence=true); David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
You can override the view range by specifying it as an argument to the 'animate' command, e.g. animate(phaseportrait, [ [(D(x))(t) = z(t), (D(z))(t) = 2*x(t)*(k-x(t)^2), (D(y))(t) = k-x(t)^2],[x(t), y(t), z(t)], t = -6 .. 6, [[x(0) = (1+k)^(1/2), y(0) = 0, z(0) = 0]],stepsize = 0.1, scene = ([x(t), y(t)]), scaling = constrained, linecolor = blue], k=0..2,view=[-2..2,DEFAULT]); David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
You can override the view range by specifying it as an argument to the 'animate' command, e.g. animate(phaseportrait, [ [(D(x))(t) = z(t), (D(z))(t) = 2*x(t)*(k-x(t)^2), (D(y))(t) = k-x(t)^2],[x(t), y(t), z(t)], t = -6 .. 6, [[x(0) = (1+k)^(1/2), y(0) = 0, z(0) = 0]],stepsize = 0.1, scene = ([x(t), y(t)]), scaling = constrained, linecolor = blue], k=0..2,view=[-2..2,DEFAULT]); David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
I also know of no issues with GSView 4.7. Have you tried sending the plot file to a printer? David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
I also know of no issues with GSView 4.7. Have you tried sending the plot file to a printer? David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
When you click on a hyperlink Maple hands the URL over to your preferred browser for processing - unless it is a Maple worksheet link, when it can process it itself. If you can create an appropriate URL that will do the program execution you want in your browser then inserting that as the target URL in Maple should work. Other products may have special processing to handle a wider range of links than Maple. If the program you want to execute is local to your compute then you may be able to make something work using the 'system' command (see ?system) and embedded components. David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
When you click on a hyperlink Maple hands the URL over to your preferred browser for processing - unless it is a Maple worksheet link, when it can process it itself. If you can create an appropriate URL that will do the program execution you want in your browser then inserting that as the target URL in Maple should work. Other products may have special processing to handle a wider range of links than Maple. If the program you want to execute is local to your compute then you may be able to make something work using the 'system' command (see ?system) and embedded components. David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
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