DJ Clayworth2

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2 Badges

18 years, 71 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by DJ Clayworth2

It's not a question of deprecated features. Sun are very good about continuing to support those. There are, however, small differences in the behaviour of Java from one release to the next, as there are in any complex computer system, despite the best efforts of the programmers to eliminate them. I should say that in the big picture those differences are very minor, but Maple only needs to make use of one of them to cause a potential problem.

In answer to your second question, Maple 12 shipped with Java 6 Update 3 on Windows. Sun's most recent supported version is Java 6 update 7, and the most recent beta Java 6 update 10. Neither of these will differ very much from update 3. The beta may have bugs of its own, of course - that's why it's a beta. On the Mac Maple ships with Java 5, and there are good reasons for that. Mac implementations usually lag a little behind Windows.

David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer

Actually that's not the issue Alec. The Issue is backward compatibility of Java.

David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer

Actually that's not the issue Alec. The Issue is backward compatibility of Java.

David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer

The option "noborder" doesn't work in some subreleases of Maple 11, including 11.02. The problem is fixed in Maple 12, and you can always export without a border using the GUI menus

David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer

The option "noborder" doesn't work in some subreleases of Maple 11, including 11.02. The problem is fixed in Maple 12, and you can always export without a border using the GUI menus

David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer

Since the 'programmatic' solution had already been given I thought I would give the non-programmatic one. No need to make people write commands if they don't need to. David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
Since the 'programmatic' solution had already been given I thought I would give the non-programmatic one. No need to make people write commands if they don't need to. David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
Jacques, "SCR" is a term that includes any request to change software, including but not limited to bugs. A request for a new feature is an SCR, but is not a bug. David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
Please feel free to contact Maplesoft tech support with regard to this bug. Questions asked on this website will not necessarily be identified as bugs unless tech support are told directly. David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
Please feel free to contact Maplesoft tech support with regard to this bug. Questions asked on this website will not necessarily be identified as bugs unless tech support are told directly. David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
Thanks for your comments, Douglas. We'll look at making some changes to densityplot in a future release. David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
Thanks for your comments, Douglas. We'll look at making some changes to densityplot in a future release. David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
Actually (much as I regret to say this) in Maple 10 densityplot did not give an accurate representation of the function either. Examining the plot given above you will see that there is a 'staircase' border between the three regions, while the actual borders are diagonal straight lines. This is merely one of the reasons why densityplot was changed. David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
Actually (much as I regret to say this) in Maple 10 densityplot did not give an accurate representation of the function either. Examining the plot given above you will see that there is a 'staircase' border between the three regions, while the actual borders are diagonal straight lines. This is merely one of the reasons why densityplot was changed. David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
The change in behaviour of plots[densityplot] was intentional in Maple 11. The purpose of densityplot is to draw a continuous function where the function's value maps to a color. Maple 10 did not do that very well, and it could usually be fixed only by setting a very high number of gridpoints. The Maple 11 behaviour gives a much better approximation, and with fewer gridpoints. densityplot was never really useful for discontinuous functions, except in rare cases where the discontinuity ran exactly along a line parallel to the x or y axis, and happened to coincide with a line of sample points. For example if you plot the function above in Maple 10 you will see a staircase effect along the boundary - not something that appears in the function. If you want to make plots where different regions have different values then I suggest using plots[inequal]. For the above function plots[inequal](x lessthan y, x = 0 .. 2, y = 0 .. 2); gives you what you probably want (with come color adjustment). (replace 'lessthan' with the appropriate symbol until I work out how to get it into this post) David Clayworth Maplesoft GUI Developer
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