
12 Reputation

3 Badges

9 years, 200 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Erdemir


Since  address is not working, I want to write the solution here, too.

For older Maple versions:

Open this ini file C:\Program Files\Maple xx\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS\launch.ini

If the file is not there, then create that file. Insert the the following line at the end of the ini file and save it.



For newer Maple versions:

Open this ini file C:\Program Files\Maple 2017\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS\maplelauncher.l4j.ini

If the file is not there, then create that file. Insert the the following line at the end of the ini file and save it.



Hope it helps.

At last the problem is solved. I followed the instructions at this address


Now document mode evaluates everything like the worksheet mode.

Thanks everyone for helping me.



Maple language is in English already. But I was using Turkish Windows. So I installed a fresh English US Windows 7.

And all commands are working very well.

in Originally English Windows, Maple both document mode and worksheet mode evaluating symbolic characters.

But in Originally Turkish Windows,

  • Maple in document mode NOT evaluates symbolic characters,
  • Maple in worksheet mode evaluates symbolic characters.


I changed the Control Panel language and region settings in Turkish Windows, same as the English US Windows settings.

But no luck. In Turkish Windows with English language settings, Maple document mode not evaluates the symbolic characters..

In order to evalute in Turkish Windows, any suggestions please?



@Preben Alsholm 

The screenshot and the .mw file is attached.   please take a look at the mw file

By the way, I opened the mw file with Notepad++ and I see that the 3rd and the 4th lines are not written correctly, I guess.

And another thing, when I open the saved mw file the 3rd and the 4th lines are blank as seen below picture.

@Preben Alsholm 

Ok, let me clarify. 

I will compare Maple old classic worksheet and the document mode.

In classic worksheet:

1 + 2; enter, result is 3

x + y; enter, result is x + y

x:=5*2; enter, result is x:=10

(Classic worksheet works well)


But in document mode:

1 + 2; enter, result is 3.

x + y; enter, result "nothing happens"

x:=5*2; enter, result "again nothing"

Note: I am also sure that F5 key pressed to "math" mode (not in text mode) and "2d math" is active.


Let me tell in another way.

1+2; enter calculates 3.

But x:=5; enter does nothing.

All of them was working in classic worksheet. 

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