Gabriel samaila

35 Reputation

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6 years, 266 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Gabriel samaila


could it be that the version of the maple im using is not supporting the code?



ODEs:= {diff(phi(y), y, y)-Re*Sc*v(y)*(diff(phi(y), y))+Nt*(diff(theta(y), y, y)+(diff(theta(y), y))/y)/Nb = 0,
         diff(v(y), y, y)+(diff(v(y), y))/y-(Ha^2/(1-eta)^2+1/y^2)*v(y)-Re*v(y)*(diff(v(y), y)) = 0,
         diff(theta(y), y, y)+Ec*Pr*(diff(v(y), y)-v(y)/y)^2-Pr*Re*v(y)*(diff(theta(y), y))+Nb*(diff(theta(y), y))*(diff(phi(y), y))+Nt*(diff(theta(y), y))^2 = 0};

{diff(diff(phi(y), y), y)-Re*Sc*v(y)*(diff(phi(y), y))+Nt*(diff(diff(theta(y), y), y)+(diff(theta(y), y))/y)/Nb = 0, diff(diff(v(y), y), y)+(diff(v(y), y))/y-(Ha^2/(1-eta)^2+1/y^2)*v(y)-Re*v(y)*(diff(v(y), y)) = 0, diff(diff(theta(y), y), y)+Ec*Pr*(diff(v(y), y)-v(y)/y)^2-Pr*Re*v(y)*(diff(theta(y), y))+Nb*(diff(theta(y), y))*(diff(phi(y), y))+Nt*(diff(theta(y), y))^2 = 0}


BCs := {phi(1) = 0, phi(eta) = 1, theta(1) = 0, theta(eta) = 1, v(1) = 0, v(eta) = 1};

{phi(1) = 0, phi(eta) = 1, v(1) = 0, v(eta) = 1, theta(1) = 0, theta(eta) = 1}


HaVals:=[1, 2, 5, 10]:
colors:=[red, green, blue, black]:
for j from 1 by 1 to numelems(HaVals) do
    pVals := [eta = .5, Ha = HaVals[j], Sc = .8, Nt = .1, Nb = .1, Re = 2, Ec = 0.1e-1, Pr = 10];
    sol:=dsolve( `union`(eval(ODEs, pVals), eval(BCs, pVals)), numeric);
    ptheta[j]:= plots:-odeplot(sol, [y, theta(y)], y=0.5..1, color=colors[j]);
    pphi[j]:= plots:-odeplot(sol, [y, phi(y)], y=0.5..1, color=colors[j]);
    pv[j]:= plots:-odeplot(sol, [y, v(y)], y=0.5..1, color=colors[j]);
displ_opt:= titlefont=[times, bold, 20],
            legend=[seq(typeset("Ha= ", HaVals[j]),j=1..4)],
            legendstyle=[font=[times, bold, 16]],
plots:-display( convert(ptheta, list),
                title="theta(y) vs y",
plots:-display( convert(pphi, list),
                title="phi(y) vs y",
plots:-display( convert(pv, list),
                title="v(y) vs y",

Error, (in plots:-display) display does not accept the legend option


Error, (in plots:-display) display does not accept the legend option


Error, (in plots:-display) display does not accept the legend option




Download odeProb3_(1).mw


i really appriciate your effort


pretty good thankyou.

but the command 

#Fig. 3 (changing values of Ha):
P:= Ha:
vals:= [1, 2, 5, 10]:
sols:= [seq(Solve(P= v), v= vals)]:
colors:= [red, green, blue]:
for F in [v,theta,phi](y) do
         plots:-odeplot(sols[k], [y,F], color= colors[k], legend= [P= vals[k]]),
         k= 1..nops(vals)
      labeldirections= [horizontal,vertical]

was to help me generate V, theta and Phi for different values of Ha. 


very interesting, thank you. but i actually want to do is plot for pr=0.044, and hold it and plot for pr=0.71, hold it and plot for pr=2 in same layout. i only know how to do it in MATLAB using hold on command


thank you for your previous post. my second question was that, i want to plot figure 1-8. it seems like it is two graphs in one layout.

thank you


hy tomleslie, could you please show me how to plot multiple graphs in one layout?. find attach soundalgekar2004-deka.pdf . i want to plot the way this author plot. see my code . secondly the attached table 1 and table 2 is not correct in some cases do you know how i can improve the accuracy of the values to be close to the attached author?  table.docx thank you


i really appriciate all your post, i have begening learn  lot of things about maple. 



just like the temperature profile, it is possible to plot f(eta) against eta and f’( eta) against eta in “ code”


i really appreciate your previous posts. You have solve my problem completely and I understood every bit of the code 


the two codes explains my broblem  and

thank you so much for your help


my question is in the code “” I kept R=0 and vary a.But this time around I want to make a=0 so that D(theta)(0)=0 in the boundary conditions  and vary  R in the same code “”. That is what the code “” is all about 


thank you for your prevoius post, please dont get tied of me. the attach codes 

solves the equation when R=0, which similar to  but i tried to make a=0 and varry R in the same code is giving 0 all through could it be true?


You have already done everything for me. In fact the used different values for infinity as 65,35,23 and 14 for pr=0.044,0.72,2.0; and 7.0 respectively. By setting the value of infinity, i got more closer results as on the paper.

thank you i really appriciate.


the solution does not converge for infinity >14 and discover that the solution becomes closser as infinity be comes larger.


yes noted thank you but not thesame as table1 in singh2000-thermometer.pdf

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