
40 Reputation

One Badge

4 years, 149 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Gerd

@Carl Love 

First of all: thanks for many useful hints. Since parameter k is dependent from other numbers it seemed reasonable for me to look for recursive method. In the meantime I had the following idea:
Let k and S[1],...,S[k] be given as in my question. Put
while not U[finished] do ....

@Kitonum Since I'm working in finite rings Zn (c.f. Love) this is an elegant method, which can also be used in the more general situation where the module n is a product of primes, each congruent to 1 mod 4.

@Carl Love 

Hello, its really miraculous. Today I started a new MAPLE worksheet and added your proposed lines - and now it works. Thank you very much for your help, Gerd

@Carl Love 

When starting this procedure Orbit I get the error response

Error, reserved word `do` unexpected


@Carl Love 

Hello, I've made a few "micro changes" concerning ":", ";" and now your program runs beautifully. Thank you!, Gerd

@Carl Love 

Thank you very much, unfortunately, however, it does not work with my MAPLE 18.2. Do you use a much more younger MAPLE version?
Indeed I'm working on Pell equations, where orbits, in my opinion, play an important role.


Hello; thank you very much for your idea to use array. It works!

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