
15 Reputation

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12 years, 75 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Giuseppe

Many thanks for your passionate teaching and the contributions you proposed to Maple for education. I'll surely follow your next Webinars.

With my best wishes

giuseppe zampieri


Dear Will,

I'm really grateful for your answer. 

With my best wishes


Dear All,

After a lot of attempts for solving the question,  working on java certificates, excluding the possibility to verify certificates and so on, I realized that the only solution ( at least for now ) was coming back to java  1.7.051. 

All things are now all right and I have again the possibility to load in the Questions Repository , questions with java formulas produced with the Equation Editor . May be that the problem will be solved. Anyway I'd like to know if someone met with this problem.

Thank to everyone 



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