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These are replies submitted by Glowing

@Carl Love please compare the second column Real Time of mine with tomleslie's. 

if hyperthreading is ok, the ratio between the first and second column should reach 6 in this case.


My Maple version is Maple 2019.2.1 and my laptop (or mobile workstation) has got a CPU as i7-6700HQ, which is very similar to your i7-3770k not overclocking, the benefit from hyper-thread really disappears when executing the following code and the CPU usage is only a little higher than 50%,


Is it because of the "Physics Updates" not being installed? What’s it and how to install it?


Many thanks!

@Scot Gould 

Thanks for your low budget version of "sigfig( )", and here is another low budget version of "sigfig( )", which is,



evalf(evalf(expression, Digits0), n)


You can readily verify its validity with the following code,



P1 := 1007;

P2 := 1014;

P3 := 1014.1;

Digits0 := Digits;

evalf(evalf(P2 - P1, Digits0), 2);

evalf(evalf(P3 - P1, Digits0), 2);


By the way, we can submit a request for a new function "sigfig" here,

The more people submit this request, the more chance the Maple guys may accept this suggestion.

All for one, one for all.

@Carl Love 

Therefore, it is of necessity to submit a request for a new function here,

The more people submit this request, the more chance the Maple guys may accept this suggestion.

All for one, one for all.

@Kitonum  Some users of Maple actually enjoy this design, so the Maple guys may never fix it, this is really sad.

@Scot Gould 

The PC nowadays is very powerful, evaluation with significant figures less than the environment variable Digits specified is usually of no necessity in saving the total  evaluation time. Instead, one often cares the final result with significant figures usually less than the environment variable Digits specified.

By the way,  intel i9-10980XE with 18 cores can be readily obtained at a price around $1000, which happen to be the price of the academic version of Maple 2019 I've bought recently.

@Christian Wolinski Why should I add a dot at the end when it's a integer?

I have downloaded  the full installation, not just update, package of Maple 2019.2.1 and found it to be much smaller than the previous version, with the size only around 1.23 GB, which seems to be a little weird.

Could anyone be kind enough to tell me why the size of the full installation package of Maple 2019.2.1 is much smaller than that of the previous version?

@Christian Wolinski actually, This problem won't appear in Maple version earlier than Maple V.

@Christian Wolinski 

Why evalf( ) treats integers and float numbers differently?
Where does this prejudice come from and what's the meaning of this prejudice?


Thanks for your so detailed reply.
But it seems the rule for evalf( ) is somewhat complicated and isn't described in the Maple help document on evalf( ), could Maple guys update this help document with more details?

By the way, what's the function in Maple for giving the final result with n digits precision, just like N[ ] in the mathematica?

@Scot Gould 

Follow your revision of the code, another puzzle appears,


p1 := 1007.0;
p2 := 1014.0;
evalf(evalf(p2 - p1), 2);
evalf(evalf(p2 - p1, 4), 2);


Should @Carl Love kindly help us explain what's happening here, please?



Thanks for your reply. I totally agree with your explanation for this bug.

What's the version of your Maple? I deem this bug may have existed for several years.


The hyperthread is disabled in Maple2019

You can verify this by executing your code here in Maple2019


It seems you have somewhat prejudice in DocumentTools[RunWorksheet]( )?

You say DocumentTools[RunWorksheet]( ) is not good, but can you just back up yourself by explaining specifically why it is not good in the situation here?

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