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MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Glowing


IE 11 may be suitable for browsing this webpage, because those picture you’ve posted can be seen by IE 11, instead of Chrome.



Thanks so much for your so detailed reply and very useful advice.

I should have ever replaced the U_0 in the ODE with any specific number to make this bug easier

to see, just as below:  


@Markiyan Hirnyk 


Please note that when U0 is nonzero(U0 isn’t U(0)), U(t)=0 isn't the answer to the ODE.

So can this be a hidden bug of Maple?

@Markiyan Hirnyk 


Thanks for your reply!

But according to the Help documents, Maple should be able to handle this problem with "dsolve({ics, ode})" in a single step.

Besides, there is still another more graceful way to tackle it:

U(t) = U__0*(exp(2*t)-2*exp(t)+1)*exp(-2*t)

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