Harry Garst

234 Reputation

5 Badges

18 years, 194 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Harry Garst

is it possible to use an animated zoom on a pointplot?

I used the view option (view = [-t .. t, -t .. t]) and animated the t value in a sequence, but it did not work.

kind regards,

Harry Garst


Dear Maple experts,

I would like to generate population data that is the best possible approximation of a multivariate normal distribution with a specified covariance matrix and vector of means. I do not want to draw a sample from a multivariate distribution, but I want the population values itself which are approximately multivariate normal distributed. The size of the datamatrix should be limited, otherwise I could draw a huge sample from a multivariate normal distribution. For instance, I would like to generate a 200 by 6 data matrix that is the best (or at least good enough) approximation of a MVN distribution. For a bivariate normal distribution one could calculate the probalities of a grid by integrating the density, but for six variables that seems undoable. 

Before trying the invent the wheel again, I think I will ask this question to experts, because it is unlikely that there is no already existing algorithm that does the job pretty well.

Thanks in advance,

Harry Garst

I am experimenting with the new AS3 flash questions and everything works as expected except that I cannot load external swf files using a xml file. I have a parent swf file that behaves well, except that this parent swf cannot load the external swf files. It works flawlessly on my own website (which even does not have a cross-domain.xml file in the root directory).

Is there a restriction in Maple T.A. that prevents loading xml files by a swf (and/or loading external swf's in general)?

I would like to experiment with the Mastery Dialog option e.g. making a tutorial. Does anyone tried this in practice? And can I download a question bank that uses this option?


kind regards,

Harry Garst

How do I generate data from a multivariate normal distribution with a specific covariance matrix  and mean vector?

I am using Maple 12 and do not have additional toolboxes/libraries.


kind regards,

Harry Garst

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