Ian VanderBurgh

Ian VanderBurgh

5 Reputation

0 Badges

8 years, 100 days
University of Waterloo
Director of the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Ian VanderBurgh has been the Director of the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) at the University of Waterloo since 2005 and a Lecturer in the Faculty of Mathematics at Waterloo since 2000, teaching mainly first- and second-year calculus and algebra courses and online courses in the CEMC’s Master of Mathematics for Teachers (MMT) program, of which he is also Director. In 2008, Ian received a Distinguished Teaching Award from the University, and in 2016, Ian won the Canadian Mathematical Society's Excellence in Teaching Award. He enjoys sharing his love of math with students and teachers and has led workshops throughout Ontario, as well as in Yellowknife, Halifax, Winnipeg, England, and India.

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