
433 Reputation

5 Badges

15 years, 339 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Jabz

Hi i'm trying to code the jacobi method but my code dosen't work. Nothing happens. What hav i done wrong

 NEWTON_RAPH:= proc(f,z,M)
   local x,A:
    x := z:
    for A to M do:
      x :=  ( x - ( f ( x ) / D ( f ) ( x ) )  - ( ( ( ( D@@2 ) ( f ) ) * ( ( f( x ) ) ^ 2 ) n ) / ( 2 * ( D ( f ) ( x) ) ^3 ) ) )
       end do:
  end proc:
 f:= x-> x ^ 2 - 5:

How do i print numbers upto 100 that are not multiples of x,y,z?

I would be very gratefull for any help


Can someone please help me on this. I am trying to decode the List [1,128,130]  to get the original list [ 1,2,3] but my program gives me [1, 32,0]. What did i do wrong and how can i get it to give the original list [1,2,3]?




Hi can someone please help me. I am trying to save a list to a file but the code below saves the list with spaces. So when i open the file they all have spaces after each number(see below). How can i save the list as it is?


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