
41 Reputation

5 Badges

19 years, 12 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by JosiahH

Sorry for the multiple replies. This thread may certainly be ignored after this. I just wanted to share the solution I found, in case anyone was interested. Rather than using loops, using the "seq" command to generate each element of a function and then concatenating them by adding the sequences works perfectly; here's an example: list1 := [seq(.1*i, i = 0 .. 10)]; vector1 := (RandomVector[row])(11, generator = 0..0.5); list2 := convert(vector1, list); hlist := [seq(i*cos(5*Pi*x), `in`(i, list1))]; flist := [seq(i*exp(i*x), `in`(i, list2))]; hlist+flist
Sorry for the multiple replies. This thread may certainly be ignored after this. I just wanted to share the solution I found, in case anyone was interested. Rather than using loops, using the "seq" command to generate each element of a function and then concatenating them by adding the sequences works perfectly; here's an example: list1 := [seq(.1*i, i = 0 .. 10)]; vector1 := (RandomVector[row])(11, generator = 0..0.5); list2 := convert(vector1, list); hlist := [seq(i*cos(5*Pi*x), `in`(i, list1))]; flist := [seq(i*exp(i*x), `in`(i, list2))]; hlist+flist
Wow! Thanks so much. Joe
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