
25 Reputation

3 Badges

9 years, 87 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Josolumoh


I have effected all the suggetions. Please help with last stage.  

N := 100;
x__01 := Vector[row](P, [1 $ N]);
x__02 := Vector[row](P, [1 $ N]);
x__11 := Sample(Binomial(N, 0.4), N);
x__12 := Sample(Binomial(N, 0.4), N);
x__21 := Sample(Normal(0, 1), N);
x__22 := Sample(Normal(0, 1), N);
z__01 := Vector[row](P, [1 $ N]);
z__02 := Vector[row](P, [1 $ N]);
z__11 := Sample(Binomial(N, 0.4), N);
z__12 := Sample(Binomial(N, 0.4), N);
z__21 := Sample(Normal(0, 1), N);
z__22 := Sample(Normal(0, 1), N);
t := 1, 2;
aux1 := 1 +~ exp~(-((`*`~(gamma__01, z__01) +~ `*`~(gamma__11, z__11)) +~ `*`~(gamma__21, z__21)));
aux2 := 1 +~ exp~(-((`*`~(gamma__02, z__02) +~ `*`~(gamma__12, z__12)) +~ `*`~(gamma__22, z__22)));
phi__1 := `/`~(1, aux1);
phi__2 := `/`~(1, aux2);
lambda__1 := exp~(`*`~(beta__01, x__01) + `*`~(beta__11, x__11) + `*`~(beta__21, x__21)) *~ (1 +~ exp~((`*`~(gamma__01, z__01) +~ `*`~(gamma__11, z__11)) +~ `*`~(gamma__21, z__21)));
lambda__2 := exp~((`*`~(beta__02, x__02) +~ `*`~(beta__12, x__12)) +~ `*`~(beta__22, x__22)) *~ (1 +~ exp~((`*`~(gamma__02, z__02) +~ `*`~(gamma__12, z__12)) +~ `*`~(gamma__22, z__22)));
B := y -> [[phi__t +~ (1 - phi__t) *~ exp~(-lambda[1] - lambda[2]) *~ (1 +~ `*`~(alpha, 1 - exp~(-`*`~(1 - exp~(-1), lambda[1]))) *~ (1 - exp~(-(1 - exp~(-1))*lambda[2])))], [(1 - phi__t) *~ exp~(-lambda[1] - lambda[2]) *~ `*`~(lambda[1]^y[1], lambda[2]^y[2])/y[1]! *~ y[2]! *~ `+`~(1, alpha) *~ (exp~(-y[1]) - exp(-`*`~(1 - exp(-1), lambda[1])))*(exp(-y[2]) - exp(-`*`~(1 - exp(-1), lambda[2])))]];
B1 := Statistics:-Distribution(Type = discrete, ProbabilityFunction = B, Support = 0 .. infinity, DiscreteValueMap = (n -> n));
beta__01, beta__11, beta__21, beta__02, beta__12, beta__22, gamma__01, gamma__11, gamma__21, gamma__02, gamma__12, gamma__22, alpha := 0.2, -2, 0.25, 0.15, -2.5, 0.2, 0.1, 2, -2.5, 0.3, 1.3, 2.5, -2;
M := Matrix(100, 25, datatype = float[8]);
S := Statistics:-Sample(B1, M, method = [discrete, range = 0 .. 100]);

I am aware of the robustness of the Maple in generating randoms for simulation study.

I really appreciate the example of the zero-inflated Poisson given; I think ours should follow the approach but, I don’t know I to  do it especially when it is bivariate.   

Please, I need help in generating discrete random numbers form my newly developed zero-inflated distribution defined in B:


#`### Generating Random Numbers from MBZIPR`  




N    := 100; 

x__0 := Vector[row](P, [1$N]);

x__1 := Sample(Binomial(N, 0.4), N);

x__2 := Sample(Normal(0, 1), N);  

z__0 := Vector[row](P, [1$N]);  

z__1 := Sample(Binomial(N, 0.4), N);

z__2 := Sample(Normal(0, 1), N) ;    

t:= (1, 2);  

phi__1:= (1)/((1+exp(-(gamma__01 *z__01 +gamma__11*z__11 + gamma__21*z__21)))):      

phi__2:=(1)/((1+exp(-(gamma__02 *z__02 +gamma__12*z__12 + gamma__22*z__22)))):    

lambda__1:=exp(beta__01 *x__01 +beta__11*x__11 + beta__21*x__21)*(1+exp(gamma__01 *z__01 + gamma__11*z__11 + gamma__21*z__21)):    

lambda__2:=exp(beta__02 *x__02 +beta__12*x__12 + beta__22*x__22)*(1+exp(gamma__02 *z__02 + gamma__12*z__12 + gamma__22*z__22)):  


 B:= (y[1],  y[2])->([[phi__t +(1-phi__t)*(exp(-lambda[1]- lambda[2])*(1+ alpha*(1-exp(-(1-(e)^()xp(-1))*lambda[1]))*(1-exp(-(1-exp(-1))*lambda[2])))),],[(1-phi__t)*(exp(-lambda[1]- lambda[2])*((lambda[1])^(y[1]) *  (lambda[2])^(y[2]))/(y[1]!* y[2]!)*((1+ alpha)*(exp(-y[1])-exp(-(1-exp(-1))*lambda[1]))*(exp(-y[2])-exp(-(1-exp(-1))*lambda[2])))),]]):  

B1:= Statistics:-Distribution(       Type= discrete,        ProbabilityFunction= B,        Support= 0..infinity,        DiscreteValueMap= (n-> n)  ):  (beta__01,beta__11,beta__21,beta__02,beta__12,beta__22,gamma__01,gamma__11,gamma__21,gamma__02,gamma__12,gamma__22,phi,alpha):= (0.2,  -2,  0.25,  0.15,  -2.5,  0.2, 0.1,  2,  -2.5,  0.3,  1.3,  2.5,  0.5, -2) :  M:= Matrix((100, 25), datatype= float[8]);  S:=Statistics:-Sample(B1, M, method= [discrete, range= 0..100]); 

Many thanks for the support.


Really appreciate. 

Thank you Prof,


I am very grateful for the supports.


In trying to run the other part I ran in to error 

Error, (in unapply) variables must be unique and of type name



How do I apply the b-values correctly ?







restart; with(Statistics); randomize(); B := unapply*(simplify*binomial(x+r-1, x)*((1/2)*b/(d*x+1+(1/2)*b))^r*((d*x+1)/(d*x+1+(1/2)*b))^x/(d*x+1), [r, b, d]); beta := Array(0 .. 2, [.25, .6, -.2]); N := 5



unapply*(simplify*binomial(x+r-1, x)*((1/2)*b/(d*x+1+(1/2)*b))^r*((d*x+1)/(d*x+1+(1/2)*b))^x/(d*x+1), [r, b, d])


beta := Array(0..2, {(1) = .25, (2) = .6})




X__0 := 1; X__1 := RandomVariable(Bernoulli(1/2)); X__2 := RandomVariable(Normal(0, 1)); SX__1 := Sample(X__1, N); SX__2 := Sample(X__2, N)

`#msub(mi("X"),mi("0"))` := 1


`#msub(mi("X"),mi("1"))` := _R


`#msub(mi("X"),mi("2"))` := _R0


`#msub(mi("SX"),mi("1"))` := Vector[row](5, {(1) = 1.0, (2) = 1.0, (3) = .0, (4) = .0, (5) = .0}, datatype = float[8])


`#msub(mi("SX"),mi("2"))` := Vector[row](5, {(1) = -.6899027608083386, (2) = .4513522093757506, (3) = .4441150943533687, (4) = -.3294600013068973, (5) = -1.734357540085828}, datatype = float[8])


X__B := proc (x, y, z) options operator, arrow; exp(add(beta[k]*[x, y, z][k+1], k = 0 .. 2)) end proc;

proc (x, y, z) options operator, arrow; exp(add(beta[k]*[x, y, z][k+1], k = 0 .. 2)) end proc


Sample_b := Sample(X__B(X__0, X__1, X__2), N)

Sample_b := Vector[row](5, {(1) = 2.537110948198722, (2) = 2.2344320592161195, (3) = 2.0967402658713548, (4) = 1.7035732378545358, (5) = 2.558742697235122}, datatype = float[8])



[HFloat(2.685805148674752), HFloat(2.137698019254597), HFloat(1.1748928842842696), HFloat(1.3714821279159721), HFloat(1.8164272239994432)]



SUBS := proc (n) options operator, arrow; [r = 1, b = val_b[n], d = 0] end proc;

proc (n) options operator, arrow; [r = 1, b = val_b[n], d = 0] end proc


Xmax := 25:

NperB := 50:

U := Statistics:-RandomVariable(Uniform(0, 1)):

AllSamples := NULL:

for n to N do PointwiseB := [seq([x, B(`~`[rhs](SUBS(n))[])], `in`(x, [`$`(0 .. Xmax)]))]; ShouldBe1 := add(`~`[op](2, PointwiseB)); PointwiseB := [seq([x, B(`~`[rhs](SUBS(n))[])/ShouldBe1], `in`(x, [`$`(0 .. Xmax)]))]; c := CumulativeSum(`~`[op](2, PointwiseB)); ApproximateCDF := zip(proc (u, v) options operator, arrow; [u[1], v] end proc, PointwiseB, convert(c, list)); AllSamples := AllSamples, map(proc (u) options operator, arrow; ListTools:-BinaryPlace(`~`[op](2, ApproximateCDF), u) end proc, Sample(U, NperB)) end do; AllSamples := `<,>`(AllSamples)

Error, (in unapply) variables must be unique and of type name



AllSamples := Matrix(0, 1, {})







Hi Prof,


X__B:= (x, y, z)-> exp(add(beta[k]*[x,y,z][k+1], k = 0 .. 2));

This returns the expeceted results.

I will now try and implement it in the simulation study.



Please, also, how do I write it as vector?

For example:

seq( X__B(X__0, SX__1[k], SX__2[k]), k=1..N);

HFloat(2.2461753368121835), HFloat(2.386372343185135), HFloat(1.305439309043902), HFloat(1.3279333023039865), HFloat(1.2430844367475704)


I copied the comand and the results from your post but the results are not listed in vector form; I mean not contain block brackets [ ] 


Thank you.



Thank you Prof,


The second scenario discribes by interests:

1. I want to sample random numbers for X_1 and X_2. Afterwards, I will export the sampled vectors and keep

2. I want to use the vectors to evaluate X_B (Yes! " the function X_B does not define a new random variable") but results from substituting X_0, X_1, and X_2. 

3. These I think the command attached will sove. However, my attempt to run the copied command produced  " Error, invalid arrow procedure"

 4. Please, help me correct it.


My regards.


restart; with(Statistics); randomize(); B := unapply*(simplify*binomial(x+r-1, x)*((1/2)*b/(d*x+1+(1/2)*b))^r*((d*x+1)/(d*x+1+(1/2)*b))^x/(d*x+1), [r, b, d]); beta := Array(0 .. 2, [.25, .6, -.2]); N := 5



unapply*(simplify*binomial(x+r-1, x)*((1/2)*b/(d*x+1+(1/2)*b))^r*((d*x+1)/(d*x+1+(1/2)*b))^x/(d*x+1), [r, b, d])


beta := Array(0..2, {(1) = .25, (2) = .6})




X__0 := 1; X__1 := RandomVariable(Bernoulli(1/2)); X__2 := RandomVariable(Normal(0, 1)); SX__1 := Sample(X__1, N); SX__2 := Sample(X__2, N)

`#msub(mi("X"),mi("0"))` := 1


`#msub(mi("X"),mi("1"))` := _R11


`#msub(mi("X"),mi("2"))` := _R12


`#msub(mi("SX"),mi("1"))` := Vector[row](5, {(1) = 1.0, (2) = .0, (3) = .0, (4) = 1.0, (5) = 1.0}, datatype = float[8])


`#msub(mi("SX"),mi("2"))` := Vector[row](5, {(1) = -0.9622324619413775e-1, (2) = 1.9771608385550665, (3) = 1.6198494896183102, (4) = -.49236514936140713, (5) = -0.25599340478732677e-1}, datatype = float[8])


"#`X__B:= `(x, y, z)-> exp(add(beta[k]*[x,y,z][k+1], k = 0 .. 2));      `X__B`:= (x, y, z)-> local  k;                       exp                       ( add                         ( beta[k]*[x,y,z][k+1],                           k = 0 .. 2                         )                       );  "

Error, invalid arrow procedure

"#`X__B:= `(x, y, z)-> exp(add(beta[k]*[x,y,z][k+1], k = 0 .. 2));      X__B:= (x, y, z)-> local k;   exp                     ( add                       ( beta[k]*[x,y,z][k+1],   k = 0 .. 2                         )                       );  "








Please, help me out on that problem.




Hello Please,


I discovered that when subtituting the values of X_0,  X_1 and X_2 generated to exp(0.25+0.6*_R -0.2_R0)

the results are different to what the computer generated.

For example:

From the results below;

X_0 = 1

X_1 =Vector[row]([1., 1., 0., 0., 0.])

X_2 =Vector[row]([.203855402371112, -0.988718240271234e-1, -0.826980970419822e-1, -.168119128121408, .162021299867933])



Sample_b := Vector[row](5, {(1) = .9726008729365625, (2) = 2.150871828664164, (3) = 1.4046239626237194, (4) = 1.4658659638712146, (5) = 2.07645686621087}, datatype = float[8])

But, when subtituted manually, I get different results as we can see below

1.  exp(.25+.6*1-.2*0.203855402371112)  =  2.246175
2,  exp(.25+.6*1-.2*-0.988718240271234e-1) = 2.386372

3.  exp(.25+.6*0-.2*-0.826980970419822e-1) = 1.305439

4.  exp(.25+.6*0-.2*-.168119128121408) =  1.327933

5. exp(.25+.6*0-.2*0.162021299867933) = 1.243084


Please, how do I make (exp(.25+.6*_R-.2*_R0)) use the values of  X_0,  X_1, and X_2 generated and return exact answers instead of it generating another ones?



B := unapply(simplify(binomial(x+r-1, x)*((1/2)*b/(1+d*x+(1/2)*b))^r*((d*x+1)/(1+d*x+(1/2)*b))^x/(d*x+1)), [r, b, d]);

proc (r, b, d) options operator, arrow; binomial(x+r-1, x)*(b/(2*d*x+b+2))^r*2^x*((d*x+1)/(2*d*x+b+2))^x/(d*x+1) end proc


beta := Array(0 .. 2, [.25, .6, -.2]);

beta := Array(0..2, {(1) = .25, (2) = .6})


N := 5:

X__0 := 1:

X__1 := RandomVariable(Bernoulli(1/2));



Sample(X__1, N)

Vector[row]([1., 1., 0., 0., 0.])


X__2 := Statistics:-RandomVariable(Normal(0, 1));



Sample(X__2, N)

Vector[row]([.203855402371112, -0.988718240271234e-1, -0.826980970419822e-1, -.168119128121408, .162021299867933])


X__B := exp(add(`~`[`*`](beta[k], X__ || k), k = 0 .. 2));



Sample_b := Sample(X__B, N)

Sample_b := Vector[row](5, {(1) = .9726008729365625, (2) = 2.150871828664164, (3) = 1.4046239626237194, (4) = 1.4658659638712146, (5) = 2.07645686621087}, datatype = float[8])







B := unapply(simplify(binomial(x+r-1, x)*((1/2)*b/(1+d*x+(1/2)*b))^r*((d*x+1)/(1+d*x+(1/2)*b))^x/(d*x+1)), [r, b, d]);

proc (r, b, d) options operator, arrow; binomial(x+r-1, x)*(b/(2*d*x+b+2))^r*2^x*((d*x+1)/(2*d*x+b+2))^x/(d*x+1) end proc


beta := Array(0 .. 2, [.25, .6, -.2]);

beta := Array(0..2, {(1) = .25, (2) = .6})


N := 5:

X__0 := 1:

X__1 := RandomVariable(Bernoulli(1/2));



Sample(X__1, N)

Vector[row]([1., 1., 0., 0., 0.])


X__2 := Statistics:-RandomVariable(Normal(0, 1));



Sample(X__2, N)

Vector[row]([.203855402371112, -0.988718240271234e-1, -0.826980970419822e-1, -.168119128121408, .162021299867933])


X__B := exp(add(`~`[`*`](beta[k], X__ || k), k = 0 .. 2));



Sample_b := Sample(X__B, N)

Sample_b := Vector[row](5, {(1) = .9726008729365625, (2) = 2.150871828664164, (3) = 1.4046239626237194, (4) = 1.4658659638712146, (5) = 2.07645686621087}, datatype = float[8])








Hello please,


Here is the code.
The code is taking very long time to run and some times it stops working, maybe because of large numbers involve.

Is there a way of making it work faster? NULL


My regards 



restart*with(Statistics); B := unapply(simplify(binomial(x+r-1, x)*((1/2)*b/(1+d*x+(1/2)*b))^r*((d*x+1)/(1+d*x+(1/2)*b))^x/(d*x+1)), [r, b, d]); beta := Array(0 .. 2, [.25, .6, -.2]); N := 1000; X__0 := 1; X__1 := RandomVariable(Bernoulli(1/2)); X__2 := RandomVariable(Normal(0, 1)); X__B := exp(add(`~`[`*`](beta[k], X__ || k), k = 0 .. 2)); Sample_b := Sample(X__B, N); SUBS := proc (n) options operator, arrow; [r = 5, b = Sample_b[n], d = .2] end proc; Xmax := 1000; NperB := 10000; U := RandomVariable(Uniform(0, 1)); AllSamples := NULL; for n to N do PointwiseB := [seq([x, B(`~`[rhs](SUBS(n))[])], `in`(x, [`$`(0 .. Xmax)]))]; ShouldBe1 := add(`~`[op](2, PointwiseB)); PointwiseB := [seq([x, B(`~`[rhs](SUBS(n))[])/ShouldBe1], `in`(x, [`$`(0 .. Xmax)]))]; c := CumulativeSum(`~`[op](2, PointwiseB)); ApproximateCDF := zip(proc (u, v) options operator, arrow; [u[1], v] end proc, PointwiseB, convert(c, list)); AllSamples := AllSamples, map(proc (u) options operator, arrow; ListTools:-BinaryPlace(`~`[op](2, ApproximateCDF), u) end proc, Sample(U, NperB)) end do; AllSamples := `<,>`(AllSamples); ExportMatrix("C:/Users/jamiu.olumoh/Documents/QNBRsimfiles/Sample1000502.csv", AllSamples, target = csv, format = rectangular, mode = ascii); M[1] := Matrix(1000, 1, datatype = float[8]); S[1] := Statistics:-Sample(X__1, M[1]); ExportMatrix("C:/Users/jamiu.olumoh/Documents/QNBRBeta1/X11.csv", S[1], target = csv); M[2] := Matrix(1000, 1, datatype = float[8]); S[2] := Statistics:-Sample(X__2, M[2]); ExportMatrix("C:/Users/jamiu.olumoh/Documents/QNBRBeta2/X21.csv", S[2], target = csv); for n to N do PointwiseB := [seq([x, B(`~`[rhs](SUBS(n))[])], `in`(x, [`$`(0 .. Xmax)]))]; ShouldBe1 := add(`~`[op](2, PointwiseB)); pl || n := plot(B(`~`[rhs](SUBS(n))[])/ShouldBe1, x = 0 .. 5) end do; plots:-display(seq(pl || n, n = 1 .. N))









Please help me check the program, if there is anything wrong with it.

Or is there  anything to be added to make it work faster ?

Thank you please.


Please help me check the programe as it is taken very long time to complete a process and at time stops wlthout completing the task.

Anything to be added to make run fast?






Accept my appreciation please.




This idea appears to be easier but still not working. Please check it. 



N: =50:

X_1 := RandomVariable(Bernoulli(1/2));

X_2 := RandomVariable(Normal(0,1));

ExportVector( "C:/Users/jamiu.olumoh/Desktop/testvecX1.csv", X_1, target=csv);

ExportVector( "C:/Users/jamiu.olumoh/Desktop/testvecX2.csv", X_2, target=csv);










Many thanks. It works...



Now you understand my question.

I wish to export it directly as csv. Like exporting the matrix, the command below works well but not for the vector

    "ExportMatrix("C:/Users/jami.olu/Documents/X1.csv", X__1, target = csv)"  



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