
21073 Reputation

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16 years, 194 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Kitonum

Maple does not cope with the following simple example:


point(A,0,0,0), point(B,1,0,0), point(C,2,0,0), point(E,2,1,0):


           Error, (in geom3d:-plane) the points may not be AreCollinear


Should we interpret this behavior as a bug? I think I met with this yet 10-12 years ago, but unfortunately since then nothing has changed.

When solving a simple assignment problem in Maple 2015.1 the bug occurs:


In Maple 2012 there are no problems:

A := Matrix([[1, 7, 1, 3], [1, 6, 4, 6], [17, 1, 5, 1], [1, 6, 10, 4]]):


z:=add(add(A[i,j]*x[i,j], j=1..n), i=1..n):

restr:={seq(add(x[i,j], i=1..n)=1, j=1..n),seq(add(x[i,j], j=1..n)=1, i=1..n)};

sol:=Optimization[LPSolve](z, restr, assume=binary); 



Can Maple look for the limit of a sequence  f(n)  for n=1,2,3, ... ? Of course, if there is a limit of the function of continuous argument, the limit of the sequence is the same number. But it is easy to give examples of when there is the limit of the sequence, and the limit of the function does not exist:

assume(n, posint):

 limit(sin((n^2+1)/n*Pi), n=infinity);  # Obviously the correct answer is  0

                            -1 .. 1


Why does Maple 2015 solve this very simple system incorrectly?

solve({abs(a-b)=0, sqrt(2*b+c)=0, c^2-c+1/4=0});



With Maple 12 no problem:

solve({abs(a-b)=0, sqrt(2*b+c)=0, c^2-c+1/4=0});




In my  Standard GUI Maple 2015 (32 bit)  on Windows 8.1  plots[spacecurve]  command does not work:

plots[spacecurve]([cos(t), sin(t), t], t = 0 .. 2*Pi);



Can someone confirm this bug?

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