Krithika Suresh

31 Reputation

5 Badges

15 years, 254 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Krithika Suresh

Hi massimo,

I have created a worksheet using the .pdf that you posted. In the worksheet, I created the function u=f(t) using the functions xc1(t),xc2(t) and xc3(t) that you solved for with Runge-Kutta.

You have to first assign the functions xc1(t), etc. and then assign the function u(t) which is defined using xc1(t), xc2(t) and xc3(t).

You can assign a function by executing u(t):=t-> followed by the function.

I plotted the function u from t = 0 to tempo (80000).

If the plot isn't what you are looking for then please check your function for u. The min, max commands that you use seem to be only picking up the values 0.00678 and 0.08.

Take a look at the worksheet and let me know if you need any more clarification or assistance.

Hope that solves your problem!



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I've created a sample worksheet with what I am assuming you are having trouble with.

I assumed that you have solved your system of ODEs and have gotten a solution of the form {x1(t)=..., x2(t)=..., x3(t)=..., xc1(t)=..., xc2(t)=...,xc3(t)=...} and now want to plot a function z (which is made up of the functions xc1(t), xc2(t) and xc3(t)) using values of t from 0 to 150000 (which I got from your first post).

In the worksheet I attached, I have created a sample system of ODEs using only 3 equations. If you use this approach with your 6 equation system, in the "Assign the functions" step, only assign the functions that you are using in the function z (i.e, xc1,xc2,xc3).

I also created a function z=FF(xc1(t),xc2(t),xc3(t)) which I plotted (you will have to replace this with your own function z). This graph has the variable t on the horizontal axis. You can adjust your range on t by adjusting the values in the plot command range.

I hope this is closer to what you were looking for.

If I still haven't been able to answer your question then can you provide me with a little more information as to what your function z is and what you want the horizontal and vertical axes of the graph to be.

Hope that helps!



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I have created a worksheet that shows you how to solve the main types of problems in your worksheet using Maple. I'm not sure whether you would like a detailed explanation for how to solve these problems (an explanation of the steps) or if you were just using Maple to check your answers.

For more information on the solve and slope commands used in the worksheet type ?solve or ?slope in your Maple worksheet and press the Enter key.

Don't hesitate to let me know if you have more questions!



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From your post, I am assuming that you have numerically solved a system of 6 ODE's in 6 unknowns and now want to plot the results. The easiest way to plot your desired graph would be to use the odeplot command in the plots package. To find out more about this command you can look up "odeplot" in Maple Help (Ctrl+F1) or type ?odeplot in your Maple worksheet to bring up the help page.

After using the dsolve command you can use the odeplot command to simplify. It will be able to plot your multiple curves.

If I'm not understanding your question or you need further clarification please let me know!

Hope that somewhat helps!



I have attached a worksheet that will generate 50 random matrices with your conditions. Everytime you execute the worksheet, new matrices will be generated. The very last number that is outputed in each section is the number of matrices that have determinant 0.

The worksheet contains code that randomly chooses between producing a singular or non-singular matrix. Your question did not specify how many of each type of matrix you wanted. Please let me know if you have any furthur questions.

(To execute the code in the worksheet: Click on the !!! icon on the top toolbar).

Maple Help (Ctrl + F1) is very useful when you need to generate commands. If you want more information about how I generated the code, use Maple Help to look up rand, randmatrix, Matrix, Determinant.


Hope that helps!




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In the Maple worksheet:

- first make sure that you are in Math mode (which you can do by clicking on Math which is located on the top left)

- Then type 8^2  (To get ^: Shift key + 6)

Hope that helps!



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If you want to save a particular picture or graph in eps format (i.e., as a *.eps file):

- right-click on the diagram

- go down to Export -> Encapsulated Postscript


If you want to save the worksheet in LaTeX format (i.e., as a *.tex file):

- go to File -> Export As...

- in the drop-down menu "Files of type" select LaTeX (.tex)


Hope that helps!


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