347 Reputation

7 Badges

9 years, 237 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by MDD

I know that the "Rank(M)" command of Maple computes the rank of matrix M and I know that the "RowDimension(M)" gives the number of rows of M. Is there any command to gives the number of nonzero rows or columns of M?

For example, Let M be the following matrix. I want [2,3] as the output  where the first component ( second component. resp) is the number of nonzero rows (nonzero columns. resp) of M.

                              [1  5  6]

                       M=   [0  0  0]

                              [2  3  5]

I have a question about "EliminationIdeal" command. When I call EliminationIdeal(<x>,{a,b,c}) appears error. I know that the output of this computation must be []. What I have to do?

Let I  be a polynomial in K[A][X] s.t. A is a sequence of parameters (coefficients of f in F) and X is a sequence of variables. I want to extract the variables from ideal I.

For example if I=[(a-1)x*y^2-b+x, x-y+x^2-c] s.t. a,b,c are parameters and x,y are variables. I want {x,y} as the output of algorithm.

How can I decide that a polynomial is univariate? I want an algorithm that gives a polynomial and its output be true if f is univariate, and be false otherwise.

Let I=<3x^2+2xy+x, y-xy+3, y^2-2x+4> be a polynomial ideal in K[x,y]. I want to form a matrix M corresponding to this ideal as the following:      

                                 x^2     xy     x      y^2      y      constant

                               -----     ----   ----    ----     ----     ------

                                  [3       2       1       0       0           0]

                             M= [0      -1      0        0       1           3]

                                  [0       0     -2        1       0           4]


Please note that in the first, the all monomials appeared in generators of I,  sorted by lexicographic ordering x>y. How can I from matrix M from polynomial I?

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