337 Reputation

7 Badges

9 years, 193 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by MDD

Let B is a list of polynomial conditions such that  are none zero. Consider one polynomial f. How can I detect that f is none zero w.r.t. B? For example if B=[a-1,b+2,b-c,ac-1] and f=a^2c-ac-a+1. From B we can conclude that a<>1 and b<>2 and b<>c and ac<>1. How can I deduce that f<>0 w.r.t. B automatically?

Let A and B be two lists of monomials. I want a new list C contained that monomials of A where not divide by any monomial of B. For example if A=[x,y,x^2y,xy^2,y^2] and B=[x^2,y^3] then C=[x,y,xy^2,y^2].

I think that I found a bug in Maple! Please run the following command:

I need the Generators of above Ideal. What is your idea?!

I want to test linearly dependence of a polynomial f on a list of polynomials F by additional condition on parametric coefficients of linear parametric polynomial (linear for variables not parameters). Please note that:

  1. The polynomialand the members of are always homogenous in the variables.
  2. The coefficients of f, the coefficients of the members of F are all always polynomials in the parameters or contant and the members of N and W are all always polynomials in the parameters.


For example let


(a,b,c,d,e,h are parameters and A1,A2,A3 are variables).

If I use PolyLinearCombo(F,f,{A1,A2,A3}) (see its output is false,[].

Now we let to condition sets for parameters as the following:



The elements of N must be zero means that ebc+ahd=0

and the elements of W are non-zero that is a<>0 and c <>0.

Let a=b=c=d=h=1 and e=-1. This specialization satisfy in the above condition sets N and W. By this specialization we have:


Now if I use PolyLinearCombo(F,f,{A1,A2,A3}) then its output is true,[-1,1].

By this additional two condition sets I have to check that whether f is linearly independent of F or not. How can I do this without specialization? In fact I want an algorithm that its input is (null condition N, not-null condition W, list of polynomials F, a polynomial f, the set of variables) and its output is true and coefficients if f is linearly dependent of F w.r.t. null and not-null conditions N and W, else its output is false.

If the name of new procedure is ExtPolyLinearCombo and 



I want the output of

ExtPolyLinearCombo(N,W,F,f,{A1,A2,A3}) be true,[coefficients]

Thank you very much in advance.



At the first note that in this question all polynomials have parametric coefficients. Let F be a list of polynomials and f be a polynomial. I want to convert F and f into a linear homogeneous FF and ff resp. At the first I want to sortvthe monomials appears in F and f  w.r.t. a monomial order T and then replace by the new variables A_i.

For example if


(a,b,c are parameters and x,y,z are variables) then I want to convert F and f into FF and ff resp:

please note that the variables appears in F and f are:

where sorted by T=plex(x,y,z). Please note that we consider all constants and alone parameters (4, b-4, c-1) as A9. I want to convert v into

and then F into FF and f into ff.


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