
175 Reputation

5 Badges

2 years, 168 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by MaPal93

I simplified my setup as much as possible. Please check

While I think I managed to obtain some analytical solutions, they look a bit strange for two reasons:

1) They do not depend on the exogenous parameters as I expected. In fact, mu_jk and mu_ki should only depend on q_0jk and q_0ki, while lambda_jk and lambda_ki should only depend on BigSigma_0jk, BigSigma_0ki, smallsigma_ujk and smallsigma_uki.

2) Strong dependence on q_0jk and q_0ki: if I were to setup these two parameters to zero or to the same value I can't obtain solutions anymore (especially for the lambdas). Does it mean that they are not really "free" parameters?

I noticed that if I combine the two equations from the FOCs of mu_jk and mu_ki into one system (is this even legit?), I get q_0jk = - q_0ki * (lambda_jk / lambda_ki). This is also easy to see if I apply the calibration at the beginning of the script (remove hashtags on all the params with the exception of q_0jk and q_0ki) and then divide lambda_jk by lambda_ki. Why?

I am quite sure that the computations are correct (I checked multiple times), but I am now questioning my setup. In which ways does my setup differ from the one below?

Essentially, I am trying to extend the following problem. As you see below, mu depends only on p_0 (the one-dimensional equivalent of my q_0jk and q_0ki) and lambda depends only on BigSigma_0 and smallsigma_u (the one-dimensional equivalents of my BigSigma_0jk, BigSigma_0ki, smallsigma_ujk and smallsigma_uki).

Thank you.

I'd like to plot row[i] of M_jk (left axis) vs. row[i] of M_ki (right axis). i is the x axis, and varies discretely from 1 to 10 (number of runs). See attached screenshot below for details. My result is off in terms of values... How to fix my plot command?

Here attached is my script. The execution of the worksheet gets stuck at the MatrixInverse(M) step. What do you suggest in order to speed up the computation?

As you can see, my matrix M is a 3x3 symmetric matrix, but quite convoluted. Eventually, I need to multiply the resulting inverse by another (row) vector.

Thank you for looking into this!


I have a nonlinear system of 12 SYMBOLIC equations in 6 variables. I am using solve() but it's taking me ages and will probably return the "Kernel connection has been lost" error after a half-day/ a day.

How do I solve it? Is it even possible to solve it? Is there a way to solve it approximately?


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