
55 Reputation

8 Badges

12 years, 72 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Maplehelpee123

@Carl Love 

Here's a link to the paper with the relaxation method in:

The method I've been using is given in equation (2.2) but it does give another one in (2.3) which I think may be the way to solve the cylinder\catenoid problem. This cylinder to catenoid problem is my main goal but it seems unlikely! (I've included the program below just in case.)

Theta's not used so that it doesn't just move into a straight line, with the theta independence it should hopefully go to the catenary?

Thanks for all your help Carl,



Ahh thanks for that, I was so focused on the r values being the same that I didn't think about the other values.. this is annoying!!

Ahh thanks for that, I was so focused on the r values being the same that I didn't think about the other values.. this is annoying!!

Carl Love to the rescue again!


Carl Love to the rescue again!


You helped me the other day too, I really appreciate it!!

Thank you!


You helped me the other day too, I really appreciate it!!

Thank you!


Sorry to be a pain... Do you know how you'd go about looping the values so you would have, say, z[22,51]=z[1,1] and similarly z[-1,-1]=z[21,50]?


Sorry to be a pain... Do you know how you'd go about looping the values so you would have, say, z[22,51]=z[1,1] and similarly z[-1,-1]=z[21,50]?


Ah! Thank you very much! :)

Ah! Thank you very much! :)

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

I've created the 3D plot by using the implicitplot3d command and I want to be able to extract 3 points which will remain fixed throughout the iteration process.

It's for my dissertation and I'm not a very experienced maple user so it's proving to be quite a challenge!



@Markiyan Hirnyk 

I'm trying to find minimal surfaces by using Newton's iteratation method so, say, to find the cantenoid I'm starting with a cyclinder and by using iteration I'll hopefully get to the right surface.  So I need to get some points of the surface of the cylinder to use. 

Do you know if it's possible to triangulate 3D surfaces on Maple too?? All I've found is 2D stuff...

Thanks for the responses!!



Brilliant, thank you! :)

Brilliant, thank you! :)

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