
84 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 308 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Nasos

Hi, I have the following equation which I want to plot V against t for t=0..10 and V=0..3000. V=1.186*10^3*exp(-9.478*10^(-3)*V)+749.579*0.455*exp(-t/0.245)+0.0375*exp(1/(4*t+1.2)); Ive tried to solve numerically and came with the following: V=105.5074910 LambertW(11.24090800 (e)^((-3.232551942 (e)^((-4.081632653 t))-0.0003554250000 (e)^(((2.500000000)/(10. t+3.))))))+341.0584450 (e)^((-4.081632653 t))+0.03750000000 (e)^(((2.500000000)/(10. t+3.)))]] Im not sure how or if this can be done in Maple.Any help would be very appreciated Regards, Nasos
Hi, I would like some help with plotting a 2D and 3D graph together. I actually have an equation with two varying parameters and I have displayed a 3D plot.What i want is to set a value for the one parameter and plot the line together with the previous surface, so that I can see where this line is placed on the surface.I provide the example to make myself clearer. Itouch50 := -0.4058074876e13*sqrt(1.+h)/(sqrt(ts)*(-500000000.0*ln((625.+125.*h+25.*h^2+5.*h^3)/h)* sqrt(1.+h)+587311661.7)) Itouch := 474335.0379*h*(10300.*2.718281828^(-3.703703704*ts)+1030.*2.718281828^(-3.703703704*ts)* h+490.*2.718281828^(1/(5.*ts+6.))+49.*2.718281828^(1/(5.*ts+6.))*h)/(51200.*sqrt(ln(100.*h))*h+5120.*sqrt(ln(100.*h))*h^2+25600.+12790.*h+511.*h^2)
Hi, Im using the display command to plot 3d surefaces/projections (which the also overlap on different occasions)on the same graph coming from different equations. My question is how can i colour the surfaces with a command (its too hard to do it onthe graph)so i know to which equation each surface corresponds to? Is there an additional way offered from maple to distinuish the graphs from each other. Finaly, I use the command labels=[x,y,z] to call my axis "Time of Fault Clearance,s" , "Magnitude of Fault Current" , "Parametr".How do i syntax a string? Thanks for your time
Hi, I would like to project the 3D surface generated from the following equation to the xy plane (2D): Itouch50 := -0.4058074876e13*sqrt(1.+h)/(sqrt(ts)*(-500000000.0*ln((625.+125.*h+25.*h^2+5.*h^3)/h)*sqrt(1.+h)+587311661.7)) where x=Itouch50 y= ts and z= h Moreover, if possible, I would like to calculate the equation of the projection or the equations giving the upper and lower side of the projection. Finally, if I had multiple equations as the initial one, would it be possible to create their accumulated projections on the same plane. I know that Im asking for too much, but any help would be extremely appreciated.
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