
187 Reputation

4 Badges

19 years, 293 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by NeillSmith

I have a 3x3 matrix that has large expressions for some of the elements. Within Maple it displays correctly in Typeset mode with two large brackets defining the matrix. When I print the workbook this matrix prints in Maple text format with lots of nested [...]. Smaller 3x3 matrices print in Typeset mode just fine. What governs when Maple switches from printing matrices in Typeset mode to Maple text mode? Is there any way I can force a matrix that displays properly in Typeset mode to print properly in Typeset mode? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Neill Smith
When I use PDEtools in Maple10 to get subscript notation of derivatives it works for equations that are assigned to another variable name. It does not work for equations that are referred to only by their Maple10-generated equation numbers. The sample case below shows the problem. It is an edited Maple-text version. I tried uploading the file, but neither Live Worksheet or HTML copy correctly display. Live Worksheet apparently doesn't access PDEtools, and the HTML copy can't handle equation number references. I can supply the test file to any one who wants it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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