
395 Reputation

12 Badges

18 years, 216 days



MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Ninetrees

I was looking for a feature that would allow me to mark all the forums "as read" and a way of then loggin in to see what is new since I last logged in. Is there such a feature? Then I'd not have to scan all the posts to see what might be there since I last logged in. Rich
For example, I type in standard F=ma 5 kg * 1 m/ s^2 Maple 10 spits this back after the = as 5kg*m/s^2 rather than the more common 5 kg*m/s^2 with the divisor sign half way down the 5. And what I really want is to be able to ask for any compatible units, in this case, N for Newtons, and have N replace kg*m/s^2. I notice that there is a new [[]] format for units. When I use them, they appear in my document, not all what I'd expect. Thanks much, Rich
I'd like to have the ability to change, say, 12345.678 to Engineering 12.345E+03 12.345x10^3 Scientific 1.234E+04 1.23456x10^4 General/decimal 12345.6 fraction of varying size Are these possible? I have tried with no success... Thanks, Rich
I am new to Maple 10, but have used other products for years. I tried v10 because the Maple website indicated that there was a great deal of flexibility in formatting pages. It seems to me, after a few days experimenting, that I cannot do more than put every thing in the middle of the page. Is this true? If not, is there a demo v10 sheet w/ instructions that shows how to do this? I can attach a pdf file of what I am interested in from Mathcad. Thanks much, Rich
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