Preben Alsholm

13663 Reputation

22 Badges

19 years, 345 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Preben Alsholm

@Kitonum Your workaround works in 2024.0 too and is very fast.

@ I  have Mathematica 13.2, but I use it extremely little.
Thus I cannot step in right away.

@Axel Vogt I noticed that you have an earlier build.
The results you get, however, are the same in RC4: `Maple 2024.0, X86 64 WINDOWS, Mar 01 2024, Build ID 1794891`

@Rouben Rostamian  That is very nice.

@ Why is the sequence B in inv_sierp being created?  It isn't used for anything.
B is a sequence of zeros and ones.

Another problem. K is a sequence of 0 and 2 only. So never odd.
Thus a part of the code can be commented out (as well as the B's):

for j to k do 
    km := K[k - j + 1]; # either 0 or 2
    t := t*2^d + cd - km; 
    (*if d = 2 then 
      if evalb(type(km, odd)) then t := 1 - t end if; # Never happens
    end if; 
    if evalf(t) < 0 then t := t + 1 end if; *)  # Never
  end do;

You get the same result as before after commenting this out.
### Note:

I tried using the original inv_sierp code with nothing commented out.
The only change to the procedure was that I made it return t ,[K], [B]

return t ,[K],[B]
end proc:
d := 2;
k := 20;
t := 0.6164;
P := sierp(d, k, t);

res:= inv_sierp(d, k, P);

res was:
res := 360798224641/2,
[2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2],
[1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]

@ Yes, sierp now works beautifully.
I tried with N = 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. It is very nice. For N=8 I changed the thickness to 1.

I'm now convinced that somehow this algorithm has to be iterated.
Try this:

for i from 1 to 10 do PlotExample(SierpinskiTriangle,i) end do;

Notice that PlotExample(SierpinskiTriangle,1);  looks like this:

I tried


and got:

Comparing this with Fig. 1 and Fig. 2  in the pdf file obtained from your link made me wonder if we are misunderstanding the algorithm.

@ I tried putting in a return at this place in the code:

K := K, km;
  end do;
  return K;

What I got was:

N := 500; 
P := [seq(sierp(2, 20, j/N), j = 0 .. N)]:

numelems(P); ## 10020
{P[]}; # 6 members {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5}
{P[1..1260][]};# {-1, 0}
{P[1261..3760][]};# {1}
{P[3761..6260][]};# {2}
{P[6261..8760][]};# {3}
{P[8761..8762][]};  # {0}
{P[8763..10020][]};  # {0, 5}

Here we see 6 different results.
In your code you have this:

for j to k do
    km := K[k - j + 1];

Since k in this case k is 20 only the first 20 of the 10020 K-values will be used:
Whether that is a problem I have no idea.

You see only 6 points and yet expected 501. So of course something is wrong.
If you do:

 { P[] }

you will see the six lists:
{[1, 1], [1, 174763/524288], [174763/524288, 1], [174763/524288, 52429/262144], [174763/524288, 174763/524288], [174763/524288, 209715/524288]}
I tried this:

{P[]}; # 6 members
{P[1..63][]};# one list
{P[64..188][]};# one list
{P[189..313][]};# one list
{P[314..438][]};# one list
{P[439..500][]};# one list
P[501]; #The last list


@Axel Vogt With Firefox and duckduckgo I get a bunch of resuls. If I scroll down I get to "More results".
(Actually, my system says "Flere Resultater"). If I click on that I get more results, etc. until there aren't anymore.

@nm I have used the search engine duckduckgo for years.

It's good and it doesn't have that problem.

@dharr If desired you can get rid of the vertical part by using style=point:
It may look slightly better if you add symbol=point. Here I used the default, which is symbol=diamond:

plots:-odeplot(Solution1,[[t,SA1(t),color="red",thickness=1,style=point,symbolsize=5],[t,SA2(t),color="blue",thickness=1]],t=0..50,labels=["Time t","Salicylic acid"],labeldirections=[horizontal,vertical]);

I have just set the ordering of answers  Date(oldest first):
I want to see if that makes any difference to the loading speed.
My previous setting was order  by votes.

@Carl Love Your last version is very good:

Include0View(plot([3 + sin(x),4-cos(x)], x= -Pi..Pi, thickness= 3));
Include0View(plot([3 + sin(x),4-cos(x),x=-Pi..Pi],thickness= 2,caption="A parametric plot"));

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